Chapter 5

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|Things can be different in another world. Would things have been different if I did something else?|


You stood there for a while. You didn't know what to say.

"Umm... we need to talk." He finally broke the silence.

"Yeah, you want to come in?"

"Yeah that would be great."

It was very awkward. The last time you talked to him was when you stormed out of the interview set yesterday. You couldn't wait to let all your feeling come out during this conversation because no more how many people you talked to about this, the only person that could help was Tom. You need him to know how this affected you and you thought he had a little understanding if he listened to the album.

"So I listened to your album. It was really good. I missed hearing you sing." You were already tearing up and you hadn't even said anything. You just couldn't believe you were hearing his voice again.

"Really?! I was worried that nobody would listen to it and that it was bad." You knew that it was good and your fans would listen to it, but you just wanted to continue the conversation and find out his thoughts about the album.

"Yeah, it is my new favorite. My favorite songs from my favorite person." You looked up at him. You were looking down at your feet trying to avoid eye contact but those words that came out of his mouth were music to your ears. You wanted to hear those words for the past 3 months.

You couldn't help yourself and the next thing you know you are between his arms and his chest. You had literally jumped into the arms of the one person you wanted the most. It was a feeling that you missed. The comfort that came when you were in his arms. It made you feel safe like as long as you were in his arms nothing bad was going to happen. He was warm like always. You remembered the feeling very well. The feeling that you didn't have for 3 months was now back and made your bond even stronger it felt like.

"I missed this." He finally broke the silence.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too. I didn't know that I couldn't live without you and I want to work things out."

"I want to work things out with you too. The only reason I am alive right now is my album. It helped me get through the rough times. You don't know how bad I was Tom. It was bad. I tried to kill myself 3 times."

{2 months ago} Play "Hold on" by Chord Overstreet right now.

"I can't do this anymore. I need to go."

"Y/N please come out of the bathroom. We can help you." Trey was on the other side of the door trying to get you out so that you would be with him again. He didn't want you to go. "Please just open the door and I am there for you."

Just One More Chance (Book 2)  || Tom Holland x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now