Chapter 12

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|Things can be different in another world

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|Things can be different in another world. Would things have been different if I did something else?|

{Your POV}

The last thing you remembered before passing out again in Tom's arms was telling him that you loved him. They took you to the hospital because that is what usually happens after someone gets kidnapped so they can make sure that they are okay. Tom stayed by your side the entire time like he promised. He didn't want to lose you again after the last couple times you were in the hospital. It seemed like you really liked going to the hospital because you were there all the time and you were almost dead every time except for now.

You feel someone holding your hand and you assume that it's Tom so you squeeze his hand. You slowly open your eyes and see a blue eyed boy staring right at you. You were extremely confused. Maybe you were hallucinating from the drugs that Harrison had given you previously but he was sitting right next to you.

"Good Morning, darling. I am glad you woke up."

You couldn't believe your eyes. He was sitting right there in front of you but you thought he went to jail or that's what people had told you before you passed out. You just couldn't believe it.

"H-Harrison? Why? What are you doing here? You are supposed to be in jail!" You were scared out of your mind. You didn't want to go back with him.

"Ohh, but darling I got out. I called your assistant and told her that you were fine and that someone had framed me and she got me out."

There was not way that Caitlyn of all people would get him out. She wasn't that stupid, was she?

"You, you can't be here. Tom will be here in a second and will find you and take you back to jail." He laughed at what you just said like you were insane. "What? Why are you laughing?"

"You are so dumb sometimes love." He just looked at you with a smirk that was extremely creepy. "I took care of him. He won't be bothering us anymore."

You laid there with your mouth hanging open. HE KILLED TOM?!

"No way you didn't. You didn't kill Tom!"

"Ohhh, but I did. He is long gone and he won't be in the way of our love." You laid in the hospital bed in shock. You couldn't look at him so you just stared at the wall. "Do you want to see him?"

"Umm... I have a feeling that you will take me there anyway."

"Ohh you don't have to leave the room. He's right here." He walks over to a closet in your room and Tom falls out.

You sit up in your bed and scream. Your breathing was hard and you looked at the body laying beside you in bed. He looked just as scared as you were.

"Love what's wrong? You are scaring me."

"You're alive. You're alive." You say under your breath.

"Of course I am darling. Was it a bad dream?"

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