Chapter 3

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 Song Credit: NASA- Ariana Grande

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Song Credit: NASA- Ariana Grande

|Things can be different in another world. Would things have been different if I did something else?|


No way he couldn't be here. But he was. It was Tom. What the hell was he doing here?

Oh no. You thought. He is my co star isn't he. Okay, Y/n don't jump to conclusions. Just be a normal person and talk to him. Ask him how he is doing and stuff like that.

"What are you doing here?" Of course you said that. You didn't want to sound rude but you really didn't wan to see him at the time.

"Ohh... I am here to do an interview for a new movie. What are you doing?"

"Umm... well actually I am too. It's called..."

"Chaos Walking." He finished your sentence. He knew that you were going to say that the moment you said you had an interview too. It was pretty obvious once you said that.

"Yeah. You too I guess."

"Yeah. We haven't talked in a while." Well thanks captain obvious. You had been in your room for the past 3 months trying to get over him when you clearly can't. You want to tell him that you still loved him and that you wanted to be back with him and maybe he felt the same way too but you wanted to wait. You had talked to him in 3 months and this was the first interaction you had with him since he left you in the hospital bed. You had seen him out your window but only briefly before you closed it due to the way you felt all the time now.

Seeing things only made your feelings worse. You wanted to go hide in a corner or go cry in your bed. You wanted to be home in your safe place. The place that would never let you down. You could always just be there and everything was better than it was in the outside world. It wasn't as scary.

"Yeah. I guess the last time we talked was in Rome at the hospital."

"It's been a long time hasn't it?"

"3 months." You replied very quickly. 3 months and you still were better after what happened in Rome. To much happened and it was falling apart. You couldn't ride in a car without the fear of a crash.

"It's been that long already!" Of course he didn't keep up with the time. He probably has been super busy and didn't have time to realize anything.

"Yeah, 3 months of my room being depressed is always great." You started to see the sadness in his eyes when you said you had been in your room for 3 months. He hated that you were so depressed that you couldn't be around people.

"Ohhh... well it's good to see you again. I have missed talking to you." He didn't know how to respond to you.

"Yeah like you really wanted to talk to me. If you really wanted to you would have already by now." He felt bad because he knew that you were right. He knew that he should have talked to you earlier but it was no use now. He couldn't turn back time to go back and talk to you. He just had to make it right again starting now. "Well, I will see you later then I guess. During the interview to be exact."

Just One More Chance (Book 2)  || Tom Holland x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now