Chapter 4

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Ghostin- Ariana Grande

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Ghostin- Ariana Grande

bad idea- Ariana Grande

|Things can be different in another world. Would things have been different if I did something else?|

{Your POV}

So far already your album has been pretty successful. My music video for Watch. It hit 5 million views on the first 5 hours. You didn't sleep at all that night. You looked at all the comments. Bad and good. There were a lot of good things said about it.

This is my new favorite album.
Going to listen to this all the time now.
I'm so glad that my favorite person made an album!
Can we get more music soon? I love it!

All of these little comments made you smile. Other than the hate comments. From people that didn't like you.

Why did this hoe even make a album? Nobody will listen to this.
She doesn't deserve to be famous after everything thing that she's done.
These songs are the worst.

Comments like that hit you hard. You knew that you were going to get them and you tired to prepare yourself for it but that definitely didn't help. You tried your best to ignore them and get on with your life. Your parents were with you through everything during the process. They helped you find a record label but they didn't hear any of the songs until they came out. They wanted to be surprised they said.

You were going through instagram when you suddenly get a call from someone that you definitely wouldn't expect to talk to you today. He rarely called you anymore but still kept in touch and you would go eat and hangout with him.


"Hello?" You answered unsure of what he was going to say.

"Hey, Y/N! I just listened to your whole album. It is literally the best thing that I have heard in a while."

"Awe, thanks Haz. That means a lot. I really need to hear that even though there are comments on social media about it. The hate ones are hitting me really hard and I need some reassurance."

"Well I am here to reassure you that it is great and I will be listening to it a lot. I actually called you to talk to you about something other than your album. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, what's up? I kinda need a distraction from it anyway. Didn't sleep at all last night." You were kinda worried about it. Usually he wouldn't call you about this kinda stuff because it sounded kinda serious.

"Well first off I would be talking to you in person but I am on my way to a model gig right now or I would have come to talk to you in person." That made you feel a little better that he had a good reason not to be there with you. "So I have been talking with Tom lately and I feel like you two should talk. He has been trying to get the courage to come to you about this but is scared that you don't want anything to do with him. I know how you feel about the situation but I feel like you just need to talk to him. Maybe you guys can be friends with each other again. I mean you're going to be with him a lot because of Marvel and Chaos Walking."

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