Chapter 1: Sister in law

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Mikaelson Mansion

"So why don't we move this evening along and discuss the terms of this proposal?" Elijah asked, breaking the tense silence that had settled over the dinner table. Damon and Stefan Salvatore sat near each other at one end while Klaus sat on the other, with Elijah in between the two parties.

Damon replied matter-of-factly, "Well, it's very simple. Klaus get his coffins back. In exchange, he, and the Original extended family leave Mystic Falls forever. Me, Stefan, and Elena live happily ever after. No grudges."

"Deal sounds fair, brother." Elijah eyed Klaus, who chuckled and looked down.

"I don't think you understand. Elena's doppelgänger blood ensures that I will always have more hybrids to fight those that oppose me." He leaned forward, lifting his gaze to stare dangerously at Damon and Stefan. "I will never leave her behind."

His tone of voice suddenly changed into a cheerful one as he stood up, taking his glass with him. "Let's say I do leave her here. Under your protection. What then?"

He raised his glass in the Salvatore brothers' direction, grinning.

"How long before one of you turned her into a vampire? Or worse. How long before she dies, caught between your feuding. You see, each one of you truly believes that you're the one that can protect her. And that is simply a delusion. Gentlemen..." Klaus declared, his lips twisting into a sinister smirk. "The worst thing for Elena Gilbert is...the two of you."

Klaus leaned back, relishing the silence that his words brought upon Damon and Stefan. Damon looked down at the table wordlessly.

"I'm going to get some air." Damon put his hands on the table and pushed back, getting out of his seat and turning to leave the room.

Elijah rose soon after and said, "Let me deal with this."

"Mmm. Hmm. All this talk has made me thirsty." Klaus announced, his eyes flicking to the blonde human standing off to the side. She automatically walked towards him, tilting her head to the side to expose her neck once she came to a halt next to him.

"What do you say, Stefan?" Klaus pushed the woman's hair aside and cast a provoking look in Stefan's direction. "Can I interest you in a little...after dinner drink?"

Damon arched an eyebrow as he and Elijah stepped into the room that held five coffins. Elijah's, of course, was shut and off to the side.

"Well that was fun." He remarked sarcastically.

"Yes, my brother does tend to have a flair for the dramatics," Elijah sighed. "And unfortunately, it is that which has caused me to come to this decision. He must be stopped."

Elijah stepped around each coffin and opened each of them, revealing his siblings one by one. Rebekah, Kol, and Finn lay there, each with their hands folded over their chests, below where the daggers had been inserted. He pulled each of the daggers out as he passed, setting them on the small tables next to the coffins. When he reached the fifth coffin, however, he hesitated, smiling to himself while running his hand along the smooth surface. It was a beautiful coffin, with engravings on the sides that few artists in the world could replicate. Of course Niklaus would settle for nothing less for her.

"So I know Klaus has four siblings. You, Rebekah, Kol, and the old dude."

"Finn." Elijah said.

"Yes, him." Damon waved at his statement dismissively. "But then who is in the fifth coffin? Stefan and Bonnie never managed to identify her. Another sister, perhaps?"

Elijah was silent for a moment as he splayed his hand flat on the coffin's surface.

"Audrea Mikaelson."

Damon replied skeptically, "Uh, say who now?"

"Audrea Mikaelson." Elijah repeated, turning to look at the Salvatore brother. "My sister-in-law."

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the of face claims. All rights go to their respective owners. Rating will probably change in the future.


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