Chapter 5: The Appology pt1

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She glared at him before grabbing his collar and pulling him forward only to slam him into the wall even harder. She furiously pressed her lips against his, and oh it felt so good when his hand slid down from her back to her thigh, hitching her leg up his hip. It was as if her body just knew that it had not been touched for two centuries and was craving her husband's touch.

Once she had her fill of his lips, Audrea pushed Klaus away, shoving him so hard that he stumbled to the ground. She lifted a leg and placed the heel of her very sharp stiletto on Klaus's chest, drawing blood through his shirt. Despite this, he was gazing up at her admiringly, a smirk adorning his lips.

"My heart will do what it wants," she snapped. "And it's not in the mood to forgive a man who put a dagger through it."

"Will you two get a room?!" Kol exclaimed, waving a hand in Finn's direction disbelievingly. "There are innocent eyes present!"

"Oh, ha ha." Finn retorted, unamused. "Very funny, Kol."

Elijah's lips twitched but he stepped toward his brother and Audrea, holding his hands up in mediation. "Audrea, sister, while Niklaus has done something unforgiveable, I'm afraid there are things we need to discuss concerning those two visitors we just had...and the doppelgänger."

Audrea's head twisted as she stared accusingly at her husband's brother. "Doppelgänger?"

Elijah nodded.

"As in..." she whispered. "...Tatia?"

Klaus swallowed, as his wife's head swiveled very slowly in his direction.

"So." Audrea emphasized. "While I have been lying in a box, daggered, for two hundred years, for no apparent reason, you have been frolicking around the earth doing what you want, whoring around, and now. Now, you are trying to mess with the doppelgänger of that bitch who tried to steal you from me?"

"How long do you think Nik will have to make love to her for her to forgive him?" Kol whispered inconspicuously to Rebekah.

The blonde Mikaelson smirked and replied, "Probably for two centuries."

Klaus threw a champagne bottle at Kol, who just caught it and popped it open to take a hearty swig from it.

"Rea!" Klaus turned back to his wife shook his head in protest. "I swear to you I have not been whoring around. I haven't so much as looked at a woman since you were daggered!"

Audrea arched a skeptical eyebrow.

Klaus's voice grew small and he sulkily said, "I haven't touched a woman like I touch you, okay?"

Audrea's expression grew pleased. "Better."

"But now," She continued, one hand fisting itself in his shirt as she began to drag him away. "You have a lot of explaining to do. Sorry, 'Lijah, but my husband and I have to discuss some things about our marriage. We will talk about your situation with those strangers afterwe've had a chance to talk."

When the couple disappeared from the living room, Kol nodded knowingly.

"They've gone to have sex, all right. So do you want to continue your conversation here, brother, or shall we find someplace else to chat, seeing as this house will probably soon be reduced to a pile of rubble from the apology sex Nik has been planning for the last two centuries?"

Elijah sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "We will continue this conversation tomorrow. After our brother and sister-in-law have had a chance their relationship."

Kol leaned towards Finn and clarified, "That, dear brother, is code for 'have a mindblowing fuck'."

"Kol." Elijah shook his head in disapproval, but he soon hesitantly began to admit, "Though, brothers and sister, we would do well to seek a different place to stay as Niklaus delivers his...apology."

Kol and Rebekah rolled their eyes but flashed out of the house, Finn and Elijah following them soon after.

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