Chapter 18:Slice, Slice

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One Week Later

"Bekah!" Audrea flung the door to the the normally unused room open, grumbling in annoyance at how long it had taken her to track Rebekah down. "Nik tells me you're here."

Her sister-in-law looked up briefly from where she was working to wave a hand at her. "Right here."

"Good. I'm bored. Nik and Elijah are handling that upstart witch and I've no desire to be around that silly little bint again, not after the mess she helped put me in."

Rebekah let out a laugh. "She'll get what's coming to her. Nik will make sure of that, I'm certain."

"What's this mess then?" Audrea asked pleasantly, waving to the body of one Damon Salvatore that was currently strung up and bleeding all over the polished floor.

Rebekah pursed her lips. "Just a bit of retribution. He took me to bed and didn't even stay the morning after."

"I do keep telling you to choose better men, Rebekah." Audrea gave Rebekah a chastising look. "You keep bringing home trash."

"Not everyone can have what you and Nik have," Rebekah scowled. "Besides, your husband always seems to take pleasure in offing all my lovers."

Audrea picked at her fingernails. "He always becomes my husband when you're angry with him."

"And he always becomes my brother when you're cross with him." Rebekah shot back, waving the machete she was currently wielding at Audrea. "What's your point?"

The brunette Mikaelson rolled her eyes but asked, "What'd he really do?"

Rebekah stuck the blade into Damon's abdomen casually and folded her arms. "He helped Finn's trashy whore, you remember Sage, get into my mind while I was sleeping. I don't know what they were looking for, though. I don't believe they just took a little stroll in my mind for the fun of it."

"Sage is back in town?" Audrea smiled. "Delightful. I've always enjoyed a bit of boxing. Perhaps I could brush up on my skills with her."

Rebekah groaned. "You still like her?"

"I've no reason not to." Audrea shrugged.

"Rea, she's...she's basically a harlot!" Rebekah griped. "She came looking for Finn."

"Well of course." Audrea sighed. "I don't like Finn, not after what he did to me-the amount of blood I had to get out of my hair was hell, mind you-but I can see she loves him and he loves her. She's just looking for her lost love. Let her! Maybe Finn'll come to his senses and not want to die constantly. Gods, he's like a bloody rebellious teenager. But anyways, back to this disgusting mess that's ruining Nik's floors."

Audrea felt a wave of resentment roll through her. She didn't like anyone messing with Rebekah. She had suffered enough as it is, from Klaus, and Audrea had always felt guilty that she couldn't do more to protect the younger vampire. Raging at Klaus every time he daggered Rebekah was the farthest she'd ever gone. Because, in the end, she knew that Klaus loved his family, more than anything. Sure, he played the protective big brother card a little too intensely, but Audrea knew that all the lovers Klaus got rid of...they weren't good for Rebekah. She'd seen each and every one of them, watched them. None of them were good enough.

And especially not this piece of garbage that had dared violate Rebekah's mind.

Audrea pursed her lips as she watched the blood drip steadily onto the puddle surrounding Damon's feet. She furrowed her eyebrows. For him to antagonize Rebekah, however vulnerable she may be at times, didn't seem right. Rebekah was right. He wouldn't do that just for the hell of it, not when he knew Rebekah could so easily attack the doppelgänger bitch for revenge. He had been looking for something. And he must have been desperate, to enlist Sage's help and use this particular method of obtaining information.

She thought to herself for just a brief moment longer before rolling up the sleeves of her blouse. "Give me the machete."

Rebekah's eyes widened. "Are you...?"

"I may not be as...unprincipled as my dear husband, but I've been around him long enough to pick up some tricks."

Rebekah's smile was positively wicked as she pulled the weapon out and handed it to Audrea. But before the handle could touch Audrea's hand, Rebekah pulled back and pouted, "Don't kill him, Rea. He's still my toy, after all."

"Oh...I'm sure there'll be bits of him left over."

The blonde Mikaelson shook her head in exasperation but gave the machete to Audrea. As soon as she gripped the handle, she lashed out with the blade in a severe, slicing motion. The Salvatore barely made a noise as blood gushed out of his body. The pain had yet to set in, given the speed with which she had cut him open with. She wrapped her fingers around Damon's neck and forced his chin up.

"Open your eyes, love." Audrea murmured. "I've got a question for you."

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