Chapter 16: "Niklaus?"

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Mystic Falls - 996 AD

The nighttime air was cool as it brushed against Niklaus's skin, raising goosebumps. Gazing blankly ahead of him, his breaths came out in short gasps, nothing but darkness and faint outlines of bushes and trees greeting him. The only sounds that he could hear came from the gentle winds and the brook that flowed near the edge of the clearing. Mikael had lost his temper for the thousandth time earlier, using anything he could lay his hands on to beat Niklaus into submission. He was beginning to lose track of the reasons for which Mikael would beat him. It seemed there were none anymore, just the inordinate amount of hatred that Mikael seemed to harbor for him. The pain that seared through his ribs from where Mikael had connected his foot again and again with Niklaus's body was aching unbearably.

He had low hopes that she would show up; he hadn't been able to meet up with her in weeks, but any sliver of hope was better than none. He wrapped an arm around his side, leaning back against the hard wood of the tree that offered little comfort. A groan escaped his lips as he shifted, attempting to find a more comfortable position. No doubt he would face more punishment the next morning from having run, but he could not have stayed a moment longer.


He almost missed the soft whisper, so delirious he was from the pain. He swiveled his head and squinted, seeing a blurry outline emerge from the trees opposite to where he was. Niklaus blinked, attempting to rid his eyes from the haze that was settling over him, but no matter. He would know that voice anywhere, the one word soothing him more than she would know.

He saw Audrea bring her hands to her face, covering her mouth in shock as she saw the state of his body more clearly as she approached.

"Who did this to you?" There was concern and anger coloring her voice.

It was a rhetorical question. She knew, from their past conversations in the same spot, that he was the object of Mikael's ire, and that this was from which the rumors of the man's cruelty had first risen to spread throughout the village.

She knelt next to him and gathered him into her arms and he finally began to relax, feeling secure for the first time in weeks.

"What are you doing here?" he mumbled, leaning into her touch. "It's late."

Audrea didn't answer him, instead brushing strands of his hair aside, a few tears escaping her eyes to roll down her cheeks. He knew this was the worst state she had ever seen him in. He had only come to her with the occasional bruises before and even then, she had been highly worried. Now, she seemed to be speechless, searching for something to say. Her hand continued to comb gently through his hair, and he closed his eyes, leaning forward to brush his nose against her neck, inhaling her sweet scent, despite the discomfort the movement caused.

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