𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 22: 𝕰𝖝𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖙

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Pic taken by me ^

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Finn looked up from the heavy tome he was holding and saw his mother make her way into the house they had taken up residence in. She set down on the large mahogany table a small bag of what seemed to be herbs.

"Did you get it?" He shut the book and stood, making his way over to where his mother stood.

Esther shrugged off her jacket and hung it up on the coat rack, distractedly nodding as she eyed the set-up on the table. She placed a finger on the crinkled parchment that lay in the center of all the materials and traced over several of the words, words that Finn recognized to be the more crucial aspects of the spell.

"Apparently, Niklaus has found a way to unlink us, which is unfortunate."

His mother didn't take her eyes off the spell as she waved a hand nonchalantly in his direction. "No matter. I had expected him to, as soon as we left."

Finn placed a hand on his mother's shoulder. "Mother."

Esther snapped out of her small trance and scrutinized her eldest son. "What is it, Finn?"

He hesitated before continuing, "This...this is a darkspell, mother. Granted, your knowledge of spells and rituals far surpasses mine, but even with the ones I do know, few are darker than this one. Are you...certain that this is the way to go about eliminating the others?"

"You have asked me this a thousand times, Finn." Esther covered his hand reassuringly. "I see no other better option. Bringing back your father will take some time...and much magic, but it is necessary.

This spell provided to me by a descendant of the deceased Les Morts-Vivants' leader is far better than I could have asked for. It seems my children had unknowingly caused their own downfall when they antagonized the New Orleans witches two hundred years ago.

There is still much hostility in the few who remember the history. Much of the spell was lost in a fire, so the original ritual's intent is impossible to carry out, but that is not our goal. This remaining page is enough for me to bring back Mikael."

"But the potential consequences-"

"Would be necessary." Esther looked Finn in the eye. "All I wish is for my mistake to be undone. And then I will leave this world in peace. I do not intend to stay around for the spell's ramifications, though unknown, to take effect."

"The witches helping you right now...their ancestors do not worry that you will be creating yet another imbalance in nature by resurrecting him?"

"These witches? No. Their philosophy aligns with mine," Esther said. "They too agree that vampires...must be destroyed. Nature will balance herself out. Though how she will compensate for Mikael has yet to be known."

Finn nodded and circled the table so he was standing by his mother. "And...Audrea?"

Esther noted the faint hint of doubt in his voice and gave him a look. "Don't tell me you hold sympathy for the woman. She tried to kill you, remember?"

"For all my hatred of Niklaus and his vile ways...there is a shred of me that believes this may be...overtly cruel. Even I can understand the love they hold for each other. It is unlike any other. To possess her and use her to-"

"He will not live long enough to even comprehend what has occurred." Esther lifted her chin and stared hard at Finn. "Their love is toxic, Finn. They have destroyed the best parts of each other. Ending their existences will be the greatest favor I am doing them...and the world."

Finn still went on. "But wouldn't it be easier to use Rebekah? Klaus knows Audrea like he knows himself. It would be far too easy for him to sense if something is not right."

"And I have watched them for a thousand years." Esther voiced. "Besides, all I need is one opening, and knowing Niklaus, he would never hurt her. She is the best possible option."

At that, Esther began walking towards the fireplace, signalling to Finn that their conversation about his doubts needed to come to an end. She halted in front of the seat Finn had been occupying earlier, where a black bag lay.

"My source proved useful, I assume?"

Finn nodded and folded his hands behind his back. "Indeed. Alaric Saltzman, or rather, his...alter-ego...delivered. His little group had more, it seems, but my siblings have destroyed them."

"And they are all unaware of the last?" Esther unzipped the bag.

"I believe even the Salvatore brothers do not know he made a thirteenth one." Finn nodded. "I hear my siblings have...taken it upon themselves to torture and drain the eldest Salvatore of vervain to question him under compulsion."

"But of course they would be nothing but barbaric." Esther pursed her lips.

"As it is, he will be unable to get this information from Damon Salvatore even with compulsion."

Esther made a satisfied noise, and raised the thirteenth white oak stake up, turning it to look at its smoothly cut angles.


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