Chapter 19:Bonnie Bennet

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A scream echoed across the entire house, and Bonnie flinched, her hand gripping the edge of the table in front of her for an anchor.

Klaus closed his eyes. He clearly looked annoyed. "Bloody hell, Elijah, could she be any more dramatic?"

Elijah was leaning against the entrance to the living room, looking quite displeased at the sounds that they were currently hearing as well, though his dissatisfaction probably stemmed from other reasons than just the volume. Like perhaps what was causingthem.

"What was that?" Bonnie glowered at Klaus.

"I ask the questions here, Miss Bennett." Klaus's lips twitched in amusement. "Now. About this little dilemma I seem to have. You see, I don't quite fancy being linked to my siblings. They're rather annoying, I admit, but they're family and I would prefer if they didn't all die on me. As a side note, I'd rather not die, either. So. The fact that I'm not hearing chanting and seeing witchy things happening is vexing, Bonnie. I am not a patient man."

"I'm still studying the spell." Bonnie snapped. "And the screaming isn't helping my concentration that much, you know? It bothers me."

"It shouldn't."

"It does!" Bonnie whirled around to face Klaus. "Youbother me! The way you use people to get what you want! It's not right."

Klaus touched a hand to his chest, looking as if he was mildly offended, but the faux expression soon faded away and he moved so he was standing right in front of her. "You're being emotional, Bonnie. I get it, your mother has left you, once again, but let's focus on the present, shall we? I wouldn't want Jeremy to have a little...accident. I'm sure Kol's just dying to cause a little trouble."

He lifted his phone up as if to remind Bonnie of the danger Elena's brother was in.

"Niklaus." Elijah's voice was stern and he gave his brother a pointed look. "That's enough. I'm sure Miss Bennett will comply, without all this...unnecessary talk."

Klaus rolled his eyes but turned to look at Elijah. "Fine. Take care of Rebekah, would you? She can bleed Damon out some other time. This can't wait."

Bonnie froze.


"Why, yes." Klaus smirked and lightly traced his fingers across the back of the couch she had been sitting on a couple hours ago. "You sister's rather upset with him, so I hope you understand. He hurt her feelings. A woman scorned, and all that. Besides...he's the man who effectively killed your mother, isn't he? I see no problem in his presence here. In fact, I should expect that perhaps this would make you happier. Bit of righteous retribution for your mother."

Bonnie was far from happy. She despised Damon for turning her mother to save Elena, and it was something she would probably never be able to forgive, but she loved Elena with all her heart, even despite all the recent events that had occurred. What the Salvatore was doing here couldn't mean anything well for her friends. She wondered if Stefan was aware of the predicament Damon was in.

The pained screams suddenly cut off, and the silence that filled the huge mansion was suffocating.

Klaus raised an eyebrow at her. "Well? You got what you wanted. Get on with it, love."

Bonnie swallowed, turning her hateful gaze on Klaus back onto the spell in front of her. The candles flickered, but cast a glow over the tabl over the table. It provided little comfort for her. Klaus's presence terrified her, though she was trying her best to keep her composure. She wasn't succeeding very well. With each second that passed, Bonnie could feel the turmoil her emotions were in even more.

She braced her hands on the table and looked down at the labelled vials of blood laid out in front of her. Elijah. Rebekah. Kol. Finn. And in a goblet sitting in the center of the table, was Klaus's.

Before she could even begin, however, a gigantic crash made her head snap up in the direction of the commotion.

"Tick tock, Miss Bennett!" The female voice was mocking and cruel. Bonnie was stunned to see Audrea Mikaelson saunter into the room, tossing a frighteningly large piece of warped metal onto the ground. It be something like a medieval torture device.

Blood splattered the floor. What was even more terrifying though, was the Original's arms. Dark red blood coated both her arms, leaving not an inch of them untouched. Audrea looked severely pissed off, an expression Bonnie had not seen even when the vampire had been fighting Finn.

"Now this is a surprise." Klaus raised his eyebrows, stepping towards his wife and lifting his hands to hover around her shoulders. He looked her up and down. "You don't usually like to get yourself dirty, sweetheart. I could have done whatever you did to poor Damon if you had asked."

Audrea's gaze never left Bonnie's, who took a step back in trepidation. "Yes, I know, Nik, but you see, this couldn't wait. Were you aware, Miss Bennett, that your friends have taken it upon themselves to make twelvewhite oak stakes? All, I assume, meant for my family and me."

Bonnie barely heard the enraged 'what?' that ripped from Klaus's throat. She was in shock.

Were Stefan and Damon crazy?

What had they been thinking, endangering the lives of everyone around them?

It was enough that her mother had suffered the consequences how much danger Bonnie's friendship with Elena meant. Bonnie was beginning to think that there was nothing the two Salvatores wouldn't do to protect Elena. They must have a death wish, to be coming after the entire Original family so blatantly. And now that they had uncovered the brothers' plan, there would be hell to pay.

"I..I didn't know. I swear."

The woman suddenly relaxed and the absence of the tension that had been coiled up in her body made her look far less dangerous, though Bonnie knew that to be far from the truth. Her lips curled up and she began walking towards Bonnie. When she stopped in front of her, the Original tipped Bonnie's chin up and narrowed her eyes at her.

"I believe you." Audrea twirled a strand of Bonnie's hair around her index finger. Bonnie swallowed, hardly daring to breathe. Audrea Mikaelson had seemed to be far less intimidating than her husband or her brothers-in-law, but right now, with the Original's arms coated with Damon's blood, she seemed far more dangerous than any of the other Mikaelsons.

"But you see, your little friends have just moved things up a bit in our plans. So you best get going on that spell, little witch."

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