Chapter 3:Bitter Sweet Memories

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"You and I," he murmured, lips brushing over her ear. "'Until the end of time."

"Until the end of time, Nik." she whispered back, hands twisting themselves in his hair.

"My heart belongs to you," he breathed, resting one hand on the small of her back. "Always and forever."

A sudden movement by him sent a sharp pain shooting through her chest and she tried to pull back to look at her husband in confusion and betrayal, but he simply wrapped his strong arms around her and lowered her gently to the ground, murmuring sweet nothings in her ear. Her vision went blurry, and before she knew it, she was met with only darkness.

With a sharp gasp, she awoke, one hand shooting out to grip the side of the coffin she was lying in. A nightmare. That had to have been a nightmare. Nik would never do that to her. He may have done it to his siblings but not to her. She refused to believe it. The nightmare had caused a throbbing feeling in her chest and she lifted a hand to touch it.

"Welcome back, dear sister. That took a while."

Audrea's eyes were wide as she turned her head slowly to take in the surroundings. Everything was unfamiliar, and she couldn't recognize the room, the walls, or even the types of decorations hanging there. She was slightly relieved to see a familiar face, albeit with a strange haircut and clothing.

"Kol." She pursed her lips. "Where are we? Where is Nik?"

"Your lovely husband, is upstairs, from what I can hear." Kol tilted his head. "I would love to know what is going on as well, but seems I can't be one to complain. After all, you were daggered before I was last daggered. I'm sure you have many questions."

"He...daggered me?" Audrea's voice lowered dangerously, her eyes darkening.

"Yes, my brother has the habit of sticking sharp things into his family members' chests, as you well know." Kol spread his hands. "Welcome to the family. Officially."


She turned her head at the cry, and a blonde blur crashed into her. Rebekah's arms wrapped tightly around her, and the blonde Mikaelson leaned back to beam at her sister-in-law.

"I've missed you!"

Audrea hugged Rebekah back, smiling happily, despite her unanswered questions and confusion. "It's lovely to see you again, darling sister."

She suddenly gasped, her hands flying up to her throat, which was dry and burning.

"You need blood." Kol said. "Here."

He tossed her a clear pouch filled with dark red liquid. Audrea stared at it in confusion before the unbearable thirst caused her to bare her fangs and rip into the bag messily. Once she had drained the bag of its contents, she lifted her head, breathing heavily as she could now survey her surroundings more comfortably. Finn was standing off to the side, looking quite lost. Understandable, considering he'd been daggered for 900 years.

Kol smirked. "You always did look your best when you were feeding."

"Kol." Rebekah scolded. "You would be careful to say those things around Nik. That's what got her into this mess in the first place."

"What are you talking about?" Audrea asked, looking at her siblings-in-law with confusion. "What got me into this mess? Speaking of which, what year is it? And what are you wearing, Kol? You too, Rebekah! You look..."

"Like a strumpet?" Kol offered.

"Kol!" Rebekah exclaimed. "Shut up!"

"I will repeat it one more time," Audrea's expression turned dark. "What got me into this mess?"

Rebekah opened her mouth but closed it just as quickly, looking to Kol for help. They were saved by two figures who entered the room and stopped, looking around at the undaggered Mikaelsons.

"Elijah!" Rebekah declared. "Fantastic. Perhaps you have some answers."

Kol narrowed his eyes. Elijah had played some part in his last daggering, and he harbored immense resentment toward him for that.

"Welcome back." Elijah repeated what Kol had said to Audrea. "All of you. I have undaggered you all for a singular reason. Our brother has once again spiraled out of control and he must be stopped."

"What has Niklaus done?" Audrea approached Elijah, her regal features cold and unforgiving.

"Sister." Elijah said warmly, opening his arms. Audrea's expression slipped momentarily and she smiled, stepping into Elijah's arms and giving him a tight hug. However, she leaned away soon after and said, "My questions are not being answered, Elijah. I am thisclose to hunting Nik down and forcing answers out of him unless I am filled in this instant."

The man next to Elijah whistled. "Feisty."

She narrowed her eyes and left Elijah's embrace, walking towards the dark-haired man. "And who are you? You are not family. You do not belong here."

Her hand shot out and she grasped the man by his throat, tightening her grip.

"Audrea," Elijah warned, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Sister, he is an ally. For now."

She let go of the man and turned to Elijah, an extremely frustrated expression on her face. "'Lijah, where is Nik? What has he done? Why did he dagger me?"

Elijah hesitated and looked at all his siblings before replying, "That is something I think Niklaus needs to say. For now, there is a matter upstairs that we must attend to."

Audrea frowned in disappointment, but nodded.

"Fine. What do you need?"

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