Chapter 7: The Apollogy pt 2

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Audrea slammed her hand into Klaus's chest, sending him toppling backwards onto his bed. Without hesitation, she climbed up, throwing a leg over his body so she was properly straddling him. His hands immediately came up to settle on her hips. Her fingers immediately pushed his shirt up, and she sat back, sighing in pleasure. His abdomen was just as she remembered, smooth, toned, and so fucking attractive. And his V-line was sending all sorts of pleasurable chills up her body.
"Rea, love," Klaus chuckled. "You're getting ahead of yourself."

"Shut up." she snapped. "This is your fault. My body feels disgustingly rusty and unused. You're going to lay there and explain to me why I have been locked in a box for almost two hundred years."
His gaze locked onto hers for a moment before his lips turned up into a smirk.
"Oh, how I have missed you, my fiery little tiger." He murmured. "And perhaps I with your dilemma."

Klaus's hands inched up Audrea's thighs, and in an instant, he flipped the both of them over so that he was now on top of her. He smirked at her triumphantly and leaned down to press his lips against hers.
Audrea snorted and shifted so she could easily kick him off. He landed gracefully a few feet away from the bed and straightened, looking quite annoyed.

"Nice try, Niklaus." She hissed. "You will explain to me now or perhaps I will go out and find myself some nice young men to play with and feed from."
Klaus's expression turned dark and he growled, "You will do no such thing."
"Then you better start talking, dear."
She folded her arms and lifted her chin, looking at her husband who sighed in defeat and came over to sit down on the bed next to her. He was silent for a long moment, hands clasped tightly in an uncharacteristic show of nervousness. Klaus glanced at her and opened his mouth but closed it again. He looked extremely hesitant.

Audrea narrowed her eyes. "Nik. Tell me."
He hesitated again before replying slowly, "Rea, trust me when I say I can't tell you just right now why I did what I did. It was necessary. You will understand when the time comes."
Audrea sighed in frustration. "Daggering me was necessary? Have you gone mad?"
His eyes darkened. "I was protecting you!"
"I am one of the strongest beings to ever walk this earth." Audrea scoffed. "What did you think was capable of hurting me?!"
"I cannot tell you at this moment, Rea." Klaus leveled his gaze with hers and tried to soften his voice in an attempt to ease her worries. "In time, you will know. Believe me."

Her lips thinned angrily and she stood up, whirling around to point a finger in his direction. "Excuse me if I'm having a hard time trusting you. You locked me in a box for nearly two hundred years! Until when are you going to stop treating me like a fragile little doll?! I know you have trust issues, but I am your wife! I have stayed by your side for a thousand years. I loved you through everything, through your pain, through your fights with Mikael, through your disagreements with your siblings. And now, I am still here, even after you betrayed the one thing we promised each other. 'Until the end of time', Nik? You lied to me! Don't you think I deserve answers?! "
Audrea let out a wild laugh. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't leave right now."

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