Chapter 10: Mine

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Mikaelson Mansion

Caroline stepped into the mansion, looking around uncomfortably. The grandeur of it, the well-dressed people, it was all a little overwhelming...but she had to admit it was thrilling, in a sense. And though she hated Klaus so much for taking Tyler away from her, his attention was flattering, and useful, especially since if he was distracted by her, he wouldn't bother her friends as much. And...the gifts he showered on her, while annoying, certainly didn't hurt, considering how expensive most of them were.

She saw Klaus across the room chatting with a woman she recognized from the local art museum. He turned his head briefly and his gaze fell on her. She lifted her chin haughtily and began marching across the room towards him. However, before she could open her mouth to say something, the music playing in the background changed and a movement at the top of the staircase stole Klaus's attention. She looked up to see what he was staring at.

Caroline's eyes widened. The woman she had seen earlier that day with Rebekah was standing at the top of the staircase, hand resting gently on the banister, examining the crowd beneath her. Rebekah was standing next to her, and when her gaze fell on Caroline, she smiled. Caroline tensed. It wasn't a friendly smile and it certainly didn't produce a pleasant feeling in her.

The woman began to walk down the grand staircase, her steps light, making it almost seem like she was gliding. The blood red chiffon gown she was wearing complimented her skin perfectly and showed off her figure as the skirts fluttered around her every time she moved.

Whenever the woman shifted slightly, her long and slender leg could be seen from the slit that ran up the side of the gown. The fabric shimmered like a waterfall, and it was probably the most beautiful dress Caroline had ever seen. The woman's posture was regal, and the aura she was giving felt ancient and dangerously powerful. The feeling had been muted in the Grill but now that the woman was so elegantly dressed, her black hair coiffed up stylishly, she seemed all the more formidable.

Caroline turned her gaze back to Klaus who was staring at the woman with his mouth slightly open. He seemed entranced as he began to absentmindedly move towards the staircase. Caroline frowned. She moved forward, in an attempt to get his attention again, but froze when Klaus reached the woman at the base of the stairs and offered her his arm. The woman took it and beamed at him, placing her other hand on his cheek and tilting his head so she could press a light kiss to his lips.

Shock rushed through her when she saw Klaus's body shift as his free arm curled around the woman's waist so he could easily reciprocate and deepen the kiss. She saw his lips curve up into a smile when he brought his hand to the back of the woman's neck. What...was going on?

"You don't look too pleased." A voice observed. "No date tonight?"

Caroline turned to glare at Rebekah, who looked at her smugly.

"What do you want?" She snapped.

Rebekah sighed happily and looked over at where her brother and the woman stood. It was as if she had been waiting a long time for this moment. "Oh, just to revel in your bravery actually. You've been trying to play hard-to-get with a married man. Astonishing, really. You best be prepared for some long and dreadful torture because my sister-in-law isn't quite into sharing what belongs to her."

"What?" Caroline whipped her head around to stare at Rebekah, but the blonde Mikaelson had vanished.

She looked back at Klaus, who was smiling softly down at the woman, his hand against her cheek and his thumb gently running along her bottom lip. Disbelief rushed through her. Caroline had never seen that kind of expression on Klaus, not even during the times when he had looked at her.

Caroline began to search the room, looking for someone. When she found him, she rushed towards him as gracefully as she could in a dress, one that looked childish and ridiculous now that she had seen what the woman was wearing.

"Damon," Caroline snapped, gripping the Salvatore brother's arm tightly. "Who is that?"

Damon raised his eyebrows and said sarcastically, "Well hello to you too, vampire Barbie."

"Cut it out." She said, frustrated. She directed his line of sight towards Klaus. "Who is that woman?"

"Ohhh..." Damon's expression changed and he gave her a look of pity, albeit one that was slightly amused too. "Yeah...about that..."

"Who is she?" Caroline hissed. A panic was rising up inside her, and despite her immortality, being in a house with the oldest vampires in the world was making her feel very small and very helpless.

"That's Klaus's wife." Damon replied. "Audrea Mikaelson."

Caroline went numb. All she could hear was a loud buzzing in her ears. A rush of emotions was flooding through her. Shock, betrayal, despair, and most of all, an irrepressible sense of fear.

"...were married before Klaus was turned."

Caroline turned back to Damon, not having heard a word of what he had said after 'Audrea Mikaelson' and asked, "What did you just say?"

Damon sighed but repeated, "They were married before Klaus was turned. She's an Original, and is as old as he is."

Caroline stared at Damon and abruptly turned her gaze back on the woman, Audrea Mikaelson. An unpleasant feeling ran through her when she realized the woman was now looking in her direction. Audrea met her gaze and simply winked and placed a hand on Klaus's chest, as if to say 'mine' , and at that moment, dread overtook everything Caroline was feeling. She knew. Audrea Mikaelson, Klaus's wife, knew who she was.

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