Chapter 20: Not the kind you eat

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Salvatore Boarding House

Stefan followed Elena into the large living room.

"What are we going to do about this?" Caroline stood in front of them and raised her eyebrows. "Even after all our stakeouts, we haven't caught sight of a single Mikaelson."

Elena sighed. "They're bound to leave the mansion at some point. It's not a big town. We'll see them sooner or later."

Stefan agreed and added, "We just need one Mikaelson. And use as few stakes as possible to try and kill him. Or her."

"You make it sound so easy." Caroline scoffed.

Elena opened her mouth to say something else, but she felt a buzz in her pocket and pulled out her phone to see Bonnie's name on the caller ID. She answered it.

"Bonnie? Where have you been?" Elena frowned.

"Klaus has Damon."

Elena gasped in shock and looked up to meet Stefan's gaze. From his expression, he'd obviously heard what Bonnie had said.

"What? Why? How do you know?"

"I heard him screaming in the Mikaelsons' house. Klaus told me Rebekah took him. You know what else? I also found out that Damon and Stefan made twelve white oak stakes." There was a slight pause before Bonnie hissed, "Are you all insane? Do you not remember what happened to my mother? And that's not the worst that could happen! Someone could die! Like, permanently!"

Elena's mouth was dry. She licked her lips before asking, "What...what were you doing in their house, Bonnie?"

"Klaus kidnapped me." Bonnie's voice was humorless and she was barely concealing her fury. "He forced me to do a spell that unlinked all the siblings."

Elena, Stefan, and Caroline all closed their eyes in collective dismay. This put a major dent in their plans. This meant that they now had much fewer chances to use the stakes on the Mikaelsons.

"It's bad, Elena." Bonnie's voice was choked up. "He threatened Jeremy. And my mom..."

Elena's forehead creased in concern. She didn't sound too good. "Are you okay, Bonnie?"

"I don't know." Bonnie scoffed. She sounded like she was on the verge of tears. "I...I'm sorry. I have to go. I just...I have to go."

"Bonnie, wait..." Elena tried to stop her, but the line went dead. She pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at the screen. She looked up at Stefan.

He looked concerned about Bonnie for a moment, but then the gravity of the situation set in and his expression quickly turned to anger. Elena held up a hand. She knew this Stefan all too well and she could practically see the gears turning in his head.

He stalked towards the door, flipping a white oak stake in his hand and tucking it into his belt.

Elena said, "Stefan. Wait, come on. We need to create a plan."

"They have Damon, Elena." Stefan looked at her as if she was stupid. Elena flinched. "And I'm going to get him back."

"Stefan, you're acting out of anger!" She tried to grab onto his arm, but he just shrugged her hand off and flashed out of the house.


Elena turned back and stared wordlessly at Caroline, hands raised as if to ask 'what the hell?'. The blonde shrugged. "Your boyfriends all want to die really badly, apparently."

"Caroline!" Elena chastised.

"I know, I know. Sorry. It was just a joke."

"In bad taste, Caroline. In bad taste."

The blonde suddenly looked at the door, and her expression seemed puzzled, as if she was trying to figure something out. Elena asked, "What's wrong?"

Her question was answered when the double doors were flung off their hinges and Caroline barely managed to tackle Elena down as the two huge pieces of wood went flying straight over their heads. Three figures flashed into the house.

"Well, well."

Elena nearly fainted when she looked up to see the intruders. Klaus, Audrea, and Elijah stood in front of them, expressions varying from being amused to serious.

Klaus's hand was gripping Stefan by the throat and the hybrid was holding him off to the side, like he was just a mere inconvenience.

"Now, I hear you have a very interesting collection of stakes." Klaus grinned, baring his teeth. "I'd like to take a look."

"Not the kind you eat" Audrea added

Sorry for the short chapter
There will be slower updates because school starts tomorrow.

Highschool is a b-

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