Chapter 21: Ripahh!

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Mikealson Mansion

Damon could barely see anything. There was blood dripping into his eyes, and he could barely think. He was pretty sure there was probably more blood outside his body than inside.

He groaned. What a mess he'd gotten himself into.

Insane. They were all insane. Even Klaus's wife. Especially her. Fuck. He was pretty sure he'd been traumatized. And that wasn't something that happened to him every day, if at all. The torture methods she'd subjected him to...had the fucking Original been studying medieval torture methods?

He heard footsteps making their way into the room he was strung up in. From the clicking of heels, it had to be Rebekah. She'd been the only one visiting him consistently the entire day.

He was barely conscious, but he could feel and hear his wrists being freed from the metal traps they were clamped in.


He collapsed on the ground, legs too unsteady to hold his weight up. He was so drained that he noticed his wounds were barely healing at all.

"You're free to go, lover boy." Rebekah sighed. Her foot collided with his stomach and he fell to his side with a groan. "Your brother's saving your life by handing over the stakes. All twelve of them. Pity. Your grand plans never do seem to work out, do they?"

Damon coughed and wiped away the blood that he could feel coating his face. He struggled to sit up on his knees and looked up at the blonde Mikaelson, spitting out, "Bitch."

"Now, now." Rebekah flipped her hair over her shoulder. "That's not a very nice thing to say to someone who's letting you live. Off you go now. I'd have you wipe up this mess you've left on the floor, but I don't really want to see your pathetic face in my house any longer."

Damon staggered to his feet, feeling some sort of relief when he towered over Rebekah. Not that he could do anything to her though, he could barely move his fingers.

The blonde smirked at him and gestured to the doorway. He saw Stefan standing there, bag of stakes slung over his shoulder, staring at him. Stefan looked bruised and battered, like he'd put up a fight against someone. Klaus, Audrea, and Elijah stepped in the room with them. Klaus looked annoyingly smug, and there were bloodstains on his shirt. Ah. That was why.

Damon groaned internally. All their hard work in preparing those stakes...and they were just going to hand them over to the Originals.

"As you can see," Klaus said. "You're getting your brother back. Fair trade. Be a sport and hand over the bag, won't you?"

Stefan looked resigned as he slipped the strap off his shoulder and held it out. Elijah took the bag and disappeared from the room.

Klaus clapped his hands. "Well this just turned out fantastically, don't you agree? Take Damon, Stefan, and do try not to show up in front of us. Preferably ever again."

Stefan flashed over to Damon and slipped an arm around him, as he was on the verge of collapsing again. "Come on. Let's get out of here."

Stefan flashed the two of them out of the mansion, and Damon nearly sobbed, nearly, when the cool night breeze touched his face.

He had never wanted to just stand in a hot shower more than he wanted to right now.

Audrea smiled as she watched the stakes burn.

Finally, they could get some rest. Not a whole month out of her coffin and she'd been pummeled with one thing after another: a whole new century, threat of death, and threat of death again. What she wouldn't give for a whole day of undisturbed peace.

She propped her chin on Klaus's shoulder and tightened her arms around him. He was watching the fire as well, his fingers stroking her hand and lightly playing with the wedding band on her left hand.

She nipped his ear and he turned his head to look down at her, his eyes flashing playfully.

"Take me to bed, Mr. Mikaelson?"

Klaus smirked.

"But of course, Mrs. Mikaelson."

Sorry for the short chapter 😘

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