Chapter 16-Poisons and Ashes

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Wanted-The Dark Kingdom

Chapter 16: Poisons and Ashes

A wind from the North blows,

bringing with it those who lie below.

With them, spreads the infection,

to what may be the darkest connection.

A crown forged from the tears of good and bad,

will choose the king whose army stands.

The light leads and the dark follows,

to the first jewel of the girl who borrowed.

Then, the dark leads and the light follows,

to the second jewel of a man's true horror.

A king shall be crowned where the first king stepped,

putting an end to their world's unrest.

What if I could kill him? What if I succeeded? These questions would sometimes find themselves in my mind. They would slowly creep up behind my thoughts and then attack, taking over me. I never knew such a side of me existed. Sure, deep down everyone might have violent or evil tendencies or thoughts, but I would never act upon mine. Even when these questions flooded my mind as I either walked or stood behind him, always ready to serve him, with two thick and wide chains on either wrist.

Sometimes I would think about not only killing him, but also killing Stella and the rest of the Upper Guards. If I could take them down one by one undetected, then I would be free. They all lived comfortably with me standing in their shadows, forced to serve without a complaint. They would never suspect me, if I started ending them one by one. No one would suspect its me. Let the palace live in fear, let them haunt endlessly for a killer in the nigh, not knowing it's me whose haunting them. It would never cross their minds that a broken slave had done this, that she had plunged them into a world where they lived in fear every minute. Let them feel the same pain and fear I lived with everyday for the past three years.

These thoughts would swim through me, one point reaching the surface and the other sinking back down to the deep end inside of me where the worst of thoughts and desires lived.

I would never do it. I would never have the courage to do it, especially when it came to Percy. I could never kill him. Never.

Annabeth Chase's Diary, page 388.


Annabeth had awakened to find a guard standing outside her cell, telling her that the king demanded her presence immediately. She had gotten ready quickly and made her way to his quarters.

When she had walked in he beckoned her to sit on the chair facing his desk. And now, sitting in silence waiting for him to acknowledge her as he worked through his endless piles of paper, the information Annabeth had learned last night rose to the surface in her mind.

After she had left the library she had found herself moving towards Maddox's room. She wanted to know more. She wanted to know everything about the true history of demigods. However, Annabeth knew her work was just getting started, as the first two lines of the prophecy were still a mystery to her, but one thing laid clear: someone else was trying to get the crown. And Percy was to fight to get it for himself too. At the end, the crown would choose the right heir.

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