Chapter 34- And They Were Nothing

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Wanted- The Dark Kingdom

Chapter 34- And They Were Nothing

A wind from the North blows,

bringing with it those who lie below.

With them, spreads the infection,

to what may be the darkest connection.

A crown forged from the tears of good and bad,

will choose the king whose army stands.

The light leads and the dark follows,

to the first jewel of the girl who borrowed

Then, the dark leads and the light follows,

to the second jewel of a man's true horror

A king shall be crowned where the first king stepped,

putting an end to their world's unrest.


The jail cells at the lowest level of the ship were designed to break a prisoners' will. Chained to the wall, in absolute obsidian, with no company but the sounds of the swaying ship, one would lose their mind after some time.

Reyna intended on making sure that wouldn't happen. She had only been locked up for what she guessed was a day and yet she found herself missing freedom. Being imprisoned like this, with her aching arms chained above her brought back memories she prayed she would forget one day.

Upon escaping the camp, the feeling of freedom and liberation that had engulfed her blinded her senses. Reyna couldn't think straight. She acted without consequences. Reyna was so in her head that she didn't even consider the consequences she would face when she would anger Percy.

Reyna hated, however, what she had done to Percy's mom. Kidnapping her in the night and keeping her prisoner throughout the journey. After her escape from Camp Half-Blood, she kept to the woods beyond the camp. She was lucky to have successfully avoided the guards Cain sent to find her. She found the pegasus she rode to get here in the woods. After kidnapping Sally, she contacted Hazel through Iris message and Hazel had updated her on everything and told her that they were sailing towards Sparta. Reyna had instantly set out, stopping only when she spotted Percy's armada, recognizing it by spotting the map on top of the ship. Percy's symbol. A burning trident.

Reyna would've resisted. She would've put up a fight. But upon hearing Percy's orders to his guards and seeing the look of hell in his eyes, she knew she would fail. She knew he wouldn't hesitate to slit her throat and throw her body in the ocean. She wondered endlessly about what he would do to her, and she hated herself for being so terrified of him. Of his power. His rage. His cruelty.

Before him, she was weak and helpless. Out of practice and powerless. They hadn't given her any food or water, Percy's orders probably. And she was definitely starving and sooner or later, the pain would be unbearable.

Coming from above, the sounds of footsteps caused her to sit up straight. The footsteps became louder and she knew she had company when a faint light appeared in front of her. The footsteps approached, and the light, which Reyna could now see was a torch after her eyes adjusted to it, revealed stairs that whoever had come to visit her, was descending.

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