youtube | england

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- england x reader -

OLD - Let's start with my country then! Also, pretend your British here please.

* ☆ *

"Hey dude!" Alfred came running down the stairs while munching on a greasy McDonald burger. Disgusting.

"What do you want now? Can't you see i'm in the middle of re-reading 'Harry Potter'?" I said, clearly angry with the amount of noise that Alfred was creating.

"Of course I can see dude, i have glasses for a reason!" Alfred shouted back. I simply sighed and went back to reading. Well, tried to.

Alfred grabbed my book and tossed it onto the sofa next to him. Before i could scold him, he got out his laptop from nowhere. Man, he's better at magic then i am.

"What are you gonna do with that?" I asked

"I have to show you something my dude! It's this really cool YouTuber, she has like 60 million subscribers! I can't believe i just found her now! She does gaming and stuff, she's kinda pretty too."

"Why would i care about this?" I asked, before sipping some tea from my cup.

"She's British~" Alfred sang, almost like he was taunting me. I spat my tea out and looked at him strangely.

"A British YouTuber that doesn't insult people around the internet?" I said (Memeulous,Chubbs, ImAlex,Joshy,SquareHead and Collosaliscrazy, i'm looking at you lmao)

"Well... she does kinda pick fights with people but"

"That's wonderful! Show me her channel, quick!"

Alfred typed away on his laptop and happily gave it to his elder brother.

There on the screen was a girl with (H/C) hair, shiny (E/C) eyes and (S/C) skin. She was laughing away at the game that she was playing...Undertale? Never heard of it. I was pretty much mesmerized by the sight before me. No wonder this girl has so many subscribers. Too focused on the screen, i didn't notice Alfred poking my head.

"Give me my laptop, Mom said it's my turn!" He said dramatically while snatching the laptop from me and running up stairs like a mad man.

"We don't have mums you git!" I shouted before he reached his room. Is this the country i raised? Is it too late to get another one?

I soon went to bed and tried reading my book however, that girl just kept on popping into my head. What was her name again? Never mind... i'll find out tomorrow and maybe i'll meet her one day.

One day.

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This is an old oneshot so, naturally, it's gonna be cringy and bad. Sorry-

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Thanks for reading - !


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