fights | france + england

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- france x reader x england -

Yeah so, love triangle time-

* ☆ *

You stood there quietly.
You were supposedly forgot a few things in the meeting room so naturally, you face-plamed your forehead, turned around and went back to the meeting room, looking for it. There, you heard two male voices in the room, and so, you opened the door slightly and to your shock, it was England and France pointing their fingers at one another.

'I wonder what their fighting about today.'

You really weren't bothered and you really just wanted to get your stuff and make your leave but no, your curiosity pretty much engulfed your mind. You listened in closer and looked back at the two grown men.

"You bloody wanker, I saw her first! I'm not gonna let your dirty frog hands even touch a strand of hair on her head!"

"Ohohoho- You black sheep, you have a lot to learn about women. She's obviously in love with me!"

You had no clue who in God's name they were arguing about. However, seeing Arthur talk about somebody so passionately like that gave your heart-strings a ferm pull. You've allways had a thing for him. Who wouldn't? His messy, dirty blonde hair, his shiny emerald eyes, and the cute pout he'd always put on when France entered the room. He was your friend, so naturally, you wouldn't want to ruin the friendship by saying that you liked him romantically.

You sighed quietly as the two men bickered and on. To be honest, it was quite boring, you would normally just bust in there and get your stuff but you wanted to look like a 'proper lady' for Arthur.
You ended up falling asleep, your back leaning on the otherside of the door.

* ☆ *

After the two nations finally calmed down, they left the room, glaring at each other. France opened the door to then see a peaceful, fast asleep (Y/N) leaning on the door, in a sitting position.

They both started to feel their cheeks turn red as they now just realize that you've listened in on their whole fight about 'who gets you'. Plus, you looked cute while sleeping, even if you were just on the floor.

Once you wake up, it was gonna be a difficult job explaining to you what you just heard.

* ☆ *

Got lazy with the ending, it's 1am and I'm wiDe aWake-

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