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Why Is This Horse Shit Getting Rankings?

So, This book has got a few rankings and i would like to show them off here instead of jamming all of them in the information thing for this book. I will keep updating this so i don't have to make a new page or something. I will also most likely put this in the back (Or the front) of this book. Most of these will contain dates. It will not be in order because i am lazy. (This is gonna be some long-ass page--) Some of these i have missed because i am just making this.

I really don't know why i am making this, Ya'll don't give a shit-

So, Here we go:

- #1 In Canada (13/3/2019)

- #79 In Hetalia (23/5/2019)

- #7 In HongKong (?)

- #3 In CanadaxReader (13/4/2019)

- #2 In FrancexReader (21/3/2019)
- #1 In ChinaxReader (17/2/2019)

- #8 In EnglandxReader (3/4/2019)

- #9 In AmericaxReader (20/3/2019)

- #69 In Mature-Themes (That isn't a joke lol)

- #256 In One Shot-Collection (12/5/2019)

- #19 In OtherShips (9/1/2019)

- #7 In JapanxReader (4/2/2019)

- #43 In HetaliaxReader (10/3/2019)

- #186 In 2P (30/4/2019)

- #480 In America (2/5/2019)

- #716 In Ships (31/3/2019)

- #468 In Requests (27/5/2019)

- #141 In Italy (?)

- #317 In England (?)

- #424 In Memes (4/7/2019)

- #115 In Japan (?)

These are just some of them, I'm just not bothered to write them all. I put more effort into this than i do with my 'normal' writhing. Most of these are out of (33.6K - 16K), So cut me some slack-

Some of them, I just don't know the dates to them, Sorry. And some of the dates could be wrong, Just giving you guys a heads up.

Thank You For Reading - ☆


𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀 : x readerWhere stories live. Discover now