roulette | lithuania

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- lithuania x reader -

OLD - yeet on the street-

* ☆ *

"Who would like to go first?"

The sentence rested momentarily in the air, before Russia's 'kol, kol, kol' broke the silence.

"How silly of me!" said the man. "Of course I should go first, da? After all, it's my game!"

Russia raised the gun to his temple. You closed your eyes, praying that it would shoot and end this madness.


No such luck this time.

Russia, on the other hand, was practically dancing in his seat.

"One click down, so many more to go! Who's next?"

Not surprisingly, no one answered. You stole a glance across the table, where one of your best friends, Feliks Lukasiewicz, was sitting, his face dripping in sweat. You didn't fully realize why until you looked back towards Russia, who was passing the gun to none other than your other best friend, Toris Laurinaitis.

"Lithuania," said Russia. "You'll go next, da?"

When Toris nodded, you felt your heart stop. Typical Russia to pass such a burden to the poor Baltics.

"Wait!" you said, your pulse fluttering in your neck somewhere around a mile per minute. "This isn't fair. I m-mean..." You stuttered slightly as you fumbled for words. "L-Lithuania doesn't have an opinion o-on global warming. He doesn't have to play."

Russia's smile never left his face. "Everyone has to play, (Y/N). want to take his turn for him?"

"Well, then, fi--"

"No!" Toris grabbed the gun from Russia's hands. "No, I mean. It's my turn. I'll shoot. You can't, (Y/N). Like Russia said, everyone has to play fair."

Russia never said anything about 'fair'... The thought flashes through your mind as Toris raises the gun to his temple. You feel tears fill your eyes.

"Please, Toris," you said. "Let me do it. I can't watch this."

"You don't understand, (Y/N)," said the small country, with his finger on the trigger. "I love you."


* ☆ *

"Toris! Toris! Please, wake up! You have to, like, totally wake up! Who's gonna, like, help me paint my house a wicked hipster pink to make Romania so totally jealous?"

Poland ran into the hospital room, kneeling next to you. "Still...nothing?" He said.

You shook your head, your throat too dry for words. It had been three days since the world meeting, and Toris was in a coma. His last words echoed through your head five times every minute.

'I love you...'

You hadn't left his side since he arrived in the hospital. You spoke to him, sang to him, brushed his hair, and fluffed his pillow. You only hoped to got the chance to say those three words back to him.

"Any change?" Two doctors entered the room, armed with clipboards and...blankets?

You shook your head. "I don't think he needs those, though," you said, pointing to the blankets. "He feels warm enough."

The doctors looked at each other before looking back at you and Poland. "Miss (Y/N)..." one of them began. "I don't think your friend..."

"OH, HELL NO!" you nearly screamed. "He's NOT dead. Look. His heart's still beating! He's breathing! He..."

Poland took your arm gently and pointed to the heart monitor. It had flat-lined. How had you not noticed.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)," Somebody said, but you were crying too hard to tell who said what.

The doctors began to cover Toris' body with the blankets. Before they could finish, you grabbed his hand, and began sobbing into it.

"Toris, Toris...I'm so sorry, I-I don't want to let you go. I love you, too. I'd tell you a thousand times every day, if you want me to. Please, please, don't..."

You felt movement on your face, and realized Toris' hand was moving.

"He's alive!"

"Of course," You heard a small voice say. "It takes more than one bullet to kill a country."

"You're alive..." you whisper softly before throwing yourself into his chest. Toris grunts, but recovers quickly and begins to stroke your hair.

"Wait..." You jump up, knocking Feliks back in the process. "The heart monitor! It's not working!"

Sure enough, the flat line still remained.


Lithuania looked up at you from the bed. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)."

"What do you mean?"

"I suppose it's time I tell you. I'm a vampire."

". . ."

"Just kidding. I disconnected the wires when you were speaking."


"But you were speaking about me! I wanted to hear what you were going to say."

"Oh, my God..."

"Does this mean you'll go out with me?"

* ☆ *

Oh God no-

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