plushie | canada

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- canada x reader -

*Insert funny caption*

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Sleepovers with Matthew and his brother Alfred always proved themselves to be eventful.

Whether or not that was a good thing, you've yet to decide.

"Matthew, help! Your– brother– is– choking– me!"

"C-C'mon now Alfred, let (Y/N) go, it's just a movie–"


Having completely disregarded Matthew's attempts at making Alfred let you go, the American instead chose to grab onto Matthew too, ensnaring him in his death grip in his fit of fear.

Why did you accept their invitation for a sleepover again?

Oh yeah.

Because of Matthew.

Not saying it like it's a bad thing, but your longtime, shy Canadian friend Matthew was someone you happened to harbor feelings for; and due to these feelings, you usually wanted to be around him, and that made you accept his sleepover invitation.

But then again, everything good comes with a price, and this one was rather hefty.

Or life-threatening, considering how every night you've spent over at Matthew's house, his brother Alfred made it a tradition to watch a horror movie before bedtime – after all, the so-called hero claimed that he'd protect both you and Matthew from the nonexistent ghosts.

In the end, however, it was Alfred you needed protection from – the grown man was utterly terrified of horror movies despite his constant state of denial, and he seemed to have a habit of clinging onto the closest person and almost strangling them to death. His top victims – much to your chagrin – was either you or Matthew, as he often sat in between you two.

Sharing a knowing look with Matthew who was struggling to escape from Alfred's hold, the both of you nodded in silent agreement.

'We're throwing out these stupid horror movies later.'

* ☆ *

The movie ran for about another half an hour before the credits finally rolled, and relief washed over you as Alfred let both you and Matthew go.

"Ah, dude, that was a good movie!" he exclaimed, running a hand through his hair as though he didn't just almost suffocate the both of you. "We should totally watch ano-"

"No thank you." The words left your mouth in a heartbeat, and from the corner of your eyes you could see that Matthew had visibly paled at the thought of having to experience another strangle session with Alfred.

"Why? Too scared, (Y/N)?" Alfred said playfully, earning a sigh from you as you ran a hand down your face. "Don't worry! As the hero, I'll definitely protect you! And Mattie bro, too!"

"Sure you will..." Matthew muttered beneath his breath as he fixed his glasses. "We should get to bed soon... it's getting late. (Y/N), do you want to get ready for bed first while Alfred and I clean up?"

𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀 : x readerWhere stories live. Discover now