secret santa | norway

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- norway x reader -

OLD - It ain't much, but it's honest wOrk-

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Blank baby blue eyes lingered on you, watching you with great interest. Feeling the intense pressure that person was giving you, you tentatively raised your head and glanced at his direction, swiftly turning away with flaming cheeks the second your (E/C) eyes met his.

Norway chuckled softly, resting his head on his hand as he continued to glue his blue orbs on you.

It was obvious to everyone that you had a serious attraction towards the reclusive nation, so clear that Norway himself knew. Whenever you were around him, you were forever blushing and stuttering about. Even after talking to him, you always had a triumphant grin plastered on your face, as if saying to yourself, 'Good job (Y/N)! You didn't humiliate yourself in front of him!'

Who could blame you though? His magical aura was both mystical and fascinating, and although he may appear serious and quiet, he had an odd playful side to him, making the Nordic country more intriguing and unique to you. The fact that he would randomly have a chat with his magical trolls and fairies made it amusing for you, as it looked as though he was talking to the air with such a sober face. To top it off as a bonus, he was the most handsome person/nation you've ever met. His pale skin, his light blonde hair with the unusual floating curl, those eyes, that pretty barrette he wears and the dashing sailor outfit- everything gave him the impression of a huge precious doll, a doll you 'secretly' wanted to keep and 'treasure'.

'Cute,' he thought to himself as he noticed how you were trying to hide behind your (H/C) hair from his stare. He meant it; you were cute to him too. He observed how nice and caring you were towards everyone, thus letting him be comfortable around you. 'Charming' was what he labelled you as, plus, it didn't hurt that you were beautiful to him, had a good sense of humor and-

"Listen up, everyone! Draw a name from the hat and you gotta be his or her Secret Santa! I, the hero, will go first," America's loud voice boomed across the room, forcing Norway out of his thoughts. He sighed, remembering where he was and why he was there.

There was currently a world conference going on, and every single nation had to attend, including you and Norway. As predicted, what started off as a serious political discussion turned into a mass chaos of uselessness in only a matter of ten minutes. Since Christmas was approaching in merely two weeks, the hamburger lover gave the brilliant idea of playing 'Secret Santa', regardless of whether the country celebrated the holiday or not. The budget was infinite, as America said it would 'make things interesting'.

As the hat with each country's name was passed down, each nation had a different reaction to who they got. Some laughed, some remained neutral, and some even banged their heads against the table in exasperation. Soon, it was Norway's turn.

He put his hand in and pulled out a random piece of paper. He opened it, and his eyes widened at the pleasant surprise.

'Well, what a coincidence~' he thought, his lips twitching up slightly as he folded back the paper with your name on it.

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All the nations were gathered in Finland's home, where a Christmas party was being held. Everyone was buzzing and chatting happily among themselves, and the festive atmosphere was enchanting. Yet from time to time, the people would glance towards the huge pile of 'Secret Santa' gifts, anxious to find out what they were given and hopefully who gave them. You were not an exception.

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