bo lo bao | hong kong

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- hong kong x reader -

OLD - This is super old lmao-

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'Harder, (Y/N)!'

'I can't...! It's not the same! This is totally different! Why does this have to be so hard?'

'It wouldn't be so hard if you would just let me take over!'

'N-No! I came here to learn how to do this so I'm going to finish it!'

Leon sighed and decided to sit back and watch you work for just a little longer before deciding that your strength was already starting to diminish. Plus, you weren't even doing it right.

'Like, move,(Y/N).' he grunted and pushed you across the counter and began kneading your uneven dough. While you watched him, you crossed your arms and began to observe as he kneaded the bread dough a few times before slamming it against the table. Then, he continued to repeat the process without the slightest effort. It looked so easy. Why couldn't you do it like him?

'Leon, I think I've got it this time.' you said reaching out your eager hands hoping to get a chance to redeem yourself.

'You sure?' Leon asked as he continued to knead the dough.

'Positive.' you answered without so much as a falter in your voice.

'Alright.' your Cantonese friend consented and moved over to watch you. 'After this, we're going to add the custard.'

'Got it.' you said and began trying your luck at imitating the way Leon was able to roll his wrists over the dough.

'You're getting better.' your friend said with a hint of encouragement in his tone. Then, he went to the refrigerator to bring out the crust topping and custard filling you had prepped from earlier.

'When you're done just separate them into even balls of dough,' he instructed as he set the two separate bowls onto the counter.

'Okay,' you nodded slamming the dough onto the table for a final time. You never knew that making something that could be eaten so easily could be so difficult and time-consuming. Leon had promised that he would finally teach you how to make your favorite snack, bo lo bao, but after all of the mixing, kneading, and waiting you had to do, you were more than convinced that eating them was much more fun than making them.

When you had divided up the dough into equal pieces and flattened them out, Leon offered to let you spread the custard filling inside watching closely to make sure each bun was sealed properly.

'I don't get it,' you frowned once you finished sealing the last one. 'Didn't you say that 'bo lo bao meant 'pineapple bun?''

'Yeah.' Leon answered.

'So then...' You swept your hand out to all of the ingredients that you had used in this labor-intensive recipe. '...Where's the pineapple? I didn't see a single piece get used.'

𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀 : x readerWhere stories live. Discover now