sad | china

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- china x reader -

OLD - Cringy sad time-

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Your bare feet softly padded on the worn wood floor of the ornate house. The long outdoor hallway connected to many rooms and led out onto the beautiful zen garden. Your (H/L) (H/C) hair swayed behind as you gradually slowed your pace upon reaching a particular sliding door. Behind which you could hear quiet whimpers and sobs.

Lightly pressing your hand to the thin paper screen you called out in a gentle voice, "Yao? Yao is that you? Why are you crying?"

"(Y-YN)! Wha- what are you doing here- aru?"

"Kiku called, he told me you have been crying for the past hour and won't let him in. Please tell me what is wrong."

"...I don't want to see anyone right now-aru. So you and Kiku and Im Yong Soo and everyone else can go away!"

"It's just me. Just (Y/N). So please, let me in."

There was a pause before you heard shuffling movement. A shadowy figure appeared before the entryway. Yao opened the door a crack as if to make sure that you were on your own before pulling it all the way.

He was hugging a white fluffy pillow, but broke a hand away and reached out to you. You took the outstretched hand and he led you into his bedroom.

It was covered top to bottom with Hello Kitty and friends memorabilia. Shelves of plush dolls, various toys, and trinkets lined the walls. There was even a cute Hello Kitty comforter in the bed. If you didn't know better, you would have thought you had wandered into a little girl's room.

Yao led you to the bed where you both sat facing one another. Yao looked like mess. His usually pristine hair was disheveled. The red silk mandarin coat that he wore was now stained with tears. Even though he tried to hide behind the pillow you could see that his eyes were red from crying and his cheeks were pink and raw.

"You want to tell me what is bothering you?"

"...Life...had become more and more difficult as of late-aru." He was picking his words carefully. "My day today has just left me...depressed and hopeless and-and sad-aru!" With that, He started to cry again.

You reached out and laid a reassuring hand on his back. Gently moving it in small circles. You patiently waited for the salted tears to stop. After a minute or two, he wiped his face off on his comfort cushion.

"Well, my bad day started with Kiku saying that he was going to move out soon-aru. He said that is was time for him to grow up and get a place of his own. Then after I fought with Kiku, Ivan came over and kept asking to...become one... I was super scared when he started to stalk me around the house. After a while I tripped and just when I thought it was over for me, Natalia showed up-aru. She saw Ivan looming over me and got really mad-aru! Then she chased the both of us down the street! We kept running until I managed to hide around the Vargas estate. Luckily Natalia kept running after her brother-aru. I was hiding in their tomato plants and had accidentally crushed a few-aru. That's when Romano came running out and started to yell and curse at me while I ran back home."

"That seems like a very bad day, Yao. Is that all?"

"N-no...when I got back I saw that Ivan had broken a screen door while chasing me, Natalia's throwing knives had cut through my paintings, but-but the worst part was...was..."

"Yes, go on."

"R-Romano called me ugly-aru!" With that Yao burst into tears.

You sat in a stunned silence. That was it. Romano said Yao was ugly. You let out a soft sigh. Really, Yao got so mad when he is mistaken as a woman and hates being called pretty or cute, but in truth he still cares about his looks. He does like to feel beautiful, but in a strong elegant way.

You pulled his face to your shoulder and quietly shushed. Yao's loud sobs turned into quiet tears.

Cupping his face in your hand, you gazed deeply into his eyes, "Yao, no matter what anyone says you are beautiful. In fact you are the most beautiful person I have ever met. So please don't cry."

He lifted a hand and placed it on yours, burrowing his bright pink cheek into your palm.

"(Y-YN), I...I think I love you...aru."

"Wǒ ài nǐ, Yao."

Yao's face grew even redder as you said what he wanted to hear most in in native language. You tilted his head up to face you and gave him a long soft kiss. His lips were sweet and soft, feeling silk smooth against yours. After parting he had a bashful smile on his face and looked as if he were almost glowing.

"Don't be sad."

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Author: *says two words in Chinese*

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