hero | america

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- america x reader -

This ones a bit cringe, sorry lol-
It's also a bit short.

* ☆ *

Thunder rumbled, shaking your entire house and causing you to shiver. But there you were. Pretty much squirming under Alfred's tight grip.

How did you get in this situation?
Well, you had decided that it would be a good idea to invite your best friend over to watch movies and such, though, you did have some sort of attraction towards him, but you'd never admit it. Soon enough it was raining outside, rain came with thunder and so on. You never really liked thunder that much, you were more of a quiet person most of the time, so you normally wondered why Alfred even noticed you in the first place. You shook off your thoughts as you heard four strong, swift bangs on the other side of your door.

"Hey dudette, let me in, it totally sucks out here!" An obnoxious voice boomed. You sighed and opened the door, revealing the pretty-much drenched blonde male. You stood aside to let him in as he wiped his shoes on the welcome mat outside.

* ☆ *

You had given Alfred a towel to go dry himself off a little in the bathroom. A few minutes went by as the familiar American walked back into the room, still rubbing his hair with the towel with one arm, the other grabbing a blanket from another chair.
He placed the towel neatly folded on a wooden chair and smiled as he walked to you, wrapping the warm blanket around you and soon joining you on the sofa, cuddling next to you happily.

* ☆ *

And here you were, trapped under Alfred because he found the crappy Netflix movie too scary to watch. He started to mumble about how
'That movie should be 18+ at least'
While you sat there wondering why he was so scared of a Comedy.

In reality, he wasn't scared.
He just needed a reason to hold you.

* ☆ *

The ending is a bit rushed oop-

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Thanks for reading - !


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