arn't you? | romania

466 17 8


- romania x reader -

OLD - This chapter was a literal joke lmao-

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You physically stiffened as you felt someone sniff your hair. You whipped your head to see Vlad stare at you with a blank look on his face. "Did you just sniff me?" You questioned while raising an eyebrow. He gave a poker face as he scratched the back of his head.

"No~" His answer game in a long drawl. To say the least, it was really obvious now. "What makes you think that?" Vlad gave the best smile he could muster. You held eye contact with him for a while, your lips tugged to a small frown.

"Okay then?"

The ending of this statement sounded that of a question. You muttered underneath your breath, turning your attention to the lab that was currently in front of you. Yes, lab as in science lab. Chemistry was the subject and the weird Romanian was your partner. You often joked about you wanted to meet your boyfriend in chemistry when you were little, Vlad was somewhat of that dream. He was your partner, so naturally he would be a candidate, but he was just a flirt, in all honesty. In the beginning, do to the fact of him always wanting to 'play' around with you, you actually thought it might happen. The more and more you got to know him, the less likely that seemed to happen.

"Science is dumb." He sighed as he played with some of your (H/L), (H/C) hair. You added the chemicals together as usual, you always had to do much of the work.

"Science is real, unlike your dumb magic." You murmured. His mouth opened as he tried to from words. Of course he had nothing to say, the one time he tried to show a magic trick, an egg landed right on your head.

"I was just rusty that day!" He stated as he played with your hair, giving it a simple sniff, you stood up abruptly.

"Seriously, stop sniffing me!" He took a deep breath as he licked his lips.

"I can't help it, you smell like my favorite food." His mouth watered a little as you started to get creeped out. This only started two days ago, it happens every once in a while, but not to this extent.

"Um..." You trailed off as you scooted a little farther away from him. Your phone vibrated as you got a message from your good friend. You checked the message that just said to meet with him in the bathroom to talk. You gave a puzzle look as you turned around to see him behind you. "Bob, you could seriously just tell me right here, you sit right behind me." You pointed out.

"I will not conversate with you next to that - that weirdo!" His (E/C) eyes were daggers directed at Vlad, who in turn, scoffed and hissed in his general direction. You let out an audible sigh as you got up to go to the bathroom with his. Bob and Vlad could never quite get along. Bob blamed it on the fact that Vlad was an idiot, and Vlad blamed it on Bob that he was too bossy and loved his wimpy boyfriend more than life itself.

You both walked into the bathroom, checking yourselves out in the mirrors, before fixing your uniforms. You turned around, checking to see if anything was on your back.

"Why did you want to talk to me in private? I really hate to walk." You crossed your arms over your chest as he frowned.

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