shops | prussia

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- prussia x reader -

OLD - I Forgot About This Amazing Man-Child.

* ☆ *

(Y/N) stood in the display window, decorating it to attract customers. She was also putting new clothes on the mannequins to go along with the theme she was displaying for Christmas.

She sighed in exhaustion, wrapping Christmas lights around the two poles that had been placed there an hour ago. She had her mind set on quitting her job, seeing as they only put her through exhausting work and never showed their appreciation for her in any way. Her employers had only pushed her around and took credit for everything she did, which earned them a raise.

'Just until I pay my college tuition, then I can quit this stupid job.'

She raised her arms to put the lights around the top pole, resulting in her dropping the wire and rubbing her arms. Her arms had been hurting from carrying heavy boxes and accessories in and out of the store all day. She let out a string of curse words under her breath as she bent over to pick up what she had dropped a few seconds prior. As she was about to grab it, she heard a faint whistle and then banging on the window. She flinched from the abrupt noise and quickly turned to see three boys standing there, looking at her.

One with blonde, chin length hair, stubble, and blue eyes. Another with brown hair and green eyes. And last, but not least, A pale male with white hair, red eyes, and a large smirk.

She gave them a smile and turned back around to continue her work, rolling her eyes in the process. She bent down again to get the cord when another faint whistle was heard and a sudden bang on the window came once again. (Y/N) stood up straight and huffed, turning to the boys and gave them a glare. She stomped off of the display stage and out of the store to where the group stood. Once in front of them, she placed her hand on her hips.

'Can I help you?'

The white haired male stepped forward and mimicked her body position, his smirk growing larger.

'Yes, actually. I zaw zomething on ze display zat I liked.'

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, knowing what he was going to say next. She had heard it a million times,which was one of the hundred reason why she hates working the display.

She folded her arms and gave an annoyed expression.

'And what would that be?'

He stepped closer to her and leaned into her face. She gave him a wide-eyed look as a blush crept onto her cheeks. His face stopped a couple inches from hers and turned slightly, his slim finger pointing at a piece of red and white lingerie that she had put up a few minutes prior. She was taken aback, a surprise expression crossed her face before disappearing into a smile.

'Oh! Well, if you'll come with me, I'll show you which sizes we have and I'll ring you up.'

She walked towards the store entrance and into the lingerie aisle, the three men right behind her. Once she arrived to where the requested clothing was, she turned to the albino.

'Which size where you looking for?'

He glanced at the material and back (Y/N).

'Maybe a zmall or a medium. Hm. I'll take both.'

The (Y/C.N) girl nodded, grabbing the two sizes and leading the group to the cash register. Once she rang him up, she handed the bag over to the white haired male.

'Thanks for shopping with us! Have a nice day!'

As she walked out from behind the counter, she noticed they still hadn't moved from their position. Raising an eyebrow, she walked back over to them.

'Is there anything else you need?'

The albino shook his head and handed the bag over to (Y/N). She looked at him confused, her hands hesitantly gripping the bag straps.

'Do you want to return this?'

He shook his head once again.

'It'z for you. Merry Christmas, Liebe.'

He wink and walked away with his posse following behind him.

She stood there, dumbstruck about what had just happened. She looked back at their disappearing forms, raising an eyebrow. She glanced at the bag and saw the receipt with some words scribbled on the back messly.

"Call Me

(xxx) - xxx - xxx - xxx


She looked back at where they once were and smiled.

Maybe this job did have a few perks.

* ☆ *

Probably fake lmao-

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