CHAPTER 1: Birthday Weekend!

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I'm walking along the water at Silent Creek which is a place that nobody knows about deep in the woods, other than me that is. It's my favorite place to go to when my family are asleep or are away and don't have to worry about getting in trouble for leaving.

To me, this place brings me peace and serenity. Here, this place is where I feel the safest and where all my hopes and dreams reside and remind me that things will get better. Rather or not they ever really will or not. Here, nothing is impossible. Not even finding a mate.

I can't stop thinking about that. I'm twenty years old and I have not found my mate yet. Which usually means I won't if I haven't yet.

My best friend Delanee, who I have known for the past three years, has always said to me that I just never got out enough to find him.

Even though her and I have known each other for just a few years, it seems like we have known one another for a long time.

One of the coolest things about her is she's an only child and her parents love her. They like me too a lot and always said they would always welcome me into their home but we all knew that couldn't happen unless my family all died. (Not that I wish for that) but the last time I tried running away and they found me and brought me back, they threatened to hurt Delanee and her family, not to mention the days of torture I endured for ever attempting to runaway.

Due to the things Delanee has witnessed in what my family is capable of doing, she has respected my wishes in not doing anything crazy to make my family lose it.

This weekend however, for my birthday, Delanee has been able to somehow lie to my family (my parents and my sister) to believe that her and ber parents have been wanting to have me come over and pay me to do things around their house to bring more income.

Little does my family know that the price Delanee's mother suggested I would get was actually half from what they were really going to pay me so that I would have enough money to save up and plus, this way I could have a reason to leave several times during the week without them being suspicious.

After finishing packing my bags, I hear my bedroom door open and I can tell by the scent that it's my sister's mate, Ezekiel.

He is every woman's dream and one day hopes to become an Alpha but, so far, he doesn't have what it takes. In fact, the highest rank he has ever been is a Delta for the Red Moon pack.

"Where do you think you're going?" I hear him ask.

"I'm leaving. I have been hired to do a job." I tell him. Even though it's none of his business.

"What's that?" He asks as I sense him getting closer to me.

"Just another servant job." I reply.

I then start to feel his breath on the back of my neck and notice him moving his hands down my arm making me feel disgusted like always.

"You aren't lying to me are you?" He asks.

"No. Of course not." I reply.

"Good. Because even though I'm your sister's mate. Just remember, that doesn't mean you and I can't have fun." He says as he places a gentle kiss on my neck. "One of these nights, you're going to give yourself to me and let me be your first." He says.

"Stop it." I say.

I quickly move out of the way and try making my way out my door when he comes up behind me and closes the door with his hands against the door and then grabs my hair and jerks my head back a little rough.

"Be careful not to defy me." He threatens.

"Please let me go." I ask.

"Not before I get a little something before you leave." He says in my ear as I feel one of his hands start to grope my breast and I want to scream and cry and fight back but my body is frozen in place and my voice never seems to make a sound.

Although thankfully my sister saves me.

"Ezekiel, where are you?" She coos.

He quickly turns me around and grabs my face roughly.

"Remember not to say shit about this." He tells me.

I just nod my head in fear and he then fixes himself up a little before opening up the door and leaving to see my sister.

I silently cry real fast before I quickly dart out to the bus stop and head over to Delanee's house.

I start telling myself over and over again to not think about it and to just enjoy the weekend. And that's just what I'll do. In fact, I will imagine that I am moving in to Delanee's parents place and that she's my sister and they're my real parents.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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