CHAPTER 11: This Is Gonna Be Harder Than I Thought

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Tonight has to be the night I finally get out of here. I know my wolf will be upset with me, especially since I'll be taking us away from our mate but, I just can't worry about that right now. Not while things still hurt.

When I saw Delanee the other night, I wanted to speak with her and I even thought of screaming for her to help me but, as the pain in my side became stronger by the minute, I was reminded of the things my family would do to her and Phoenix, even Neil. I didn't know what else to do but to run away.

I'm not saying I would forgive Phoenix that easily but, I do miss him. I miss the way he makes me feel when we touch, when he kisses my lips, looks into my eyes and....I suddenly have my thoughts interrupted as my sister comes walking into the kitchen and I quickly snap back to reality.

"Mom and dad wanted me to come and see if you needed any help." She says while looking at her nails.

"No, I've got it." I tell her.

"Thank god. I hate cooking and this whole preparing me for becoming Ezekiel's Luna is ridiculous." She states.

"Yeah." I reply under my breath.

"Well, before I head back out there, when our guests arrive, we all expect you to not fuck things up. Mom and dad wanted me to also remind you that you are not allowed to make eye contact with our guests or speak to them." She tells me in a snarky manner.

"Fine." I roll my eyes.

"Oh and another thing, if I EVER catch you flirting or even looking at my mate, I will make you regret it." She threatens.

I turned and looked at her with my arms crossed on my chest.

"I'm not the ONE who has the problem with that. I try and avoid him but YOUR mate is the one who doesn't understand the word 'no'. So if I were you, I'd focus on training him or something." I fire back. "Speaking of which, where is your mate now? Fucking some other girl?!" I smirk at her.

Which I know that wasn't the best comeback but was the only one I could think of in that moment.

She looked as though she was about to say something else while continuing to glare when the doorbell rang and our parents both called out for her and I to come greet their guests and she stomped out of the kitchen towards our parents.

When I walked out, all of them, looked at me in disgust as they looked me up and down.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. Doesn't matter anyways, our guests are here. So answer the door, let them in and escort them to the family room." My father says as him, my sister and mom follow him towards the room.

I just roll my eyes and pretend that they aren't as pathetic as they really are.

In fact, for instance, I even think of in moments like this one that as their servant, it's better than being their daughter and is a promotion in a way. Then it's easier not to think of them so much as being my family.

I hear a knock on the door and remember that people are standing outside waiting for me to answer. So I do.

The moment I opened the door, the first person I see is the LAST person I ever expected to see. Then I noticed Neil and a few others from Phoenix's pack, all standing and smiling at me while I just continued looking at them in shock.

"W-what are you guys doing here?!" I asked them.

"We're here to discuss an alliance with your family?!" Phoenix mentions with a cocked eyebrow.

"Of course." I roll my eyes in annoyance.

I have them all come in and as I close the door behind them they are all smiling still and even say 'hi' to me all while I continue to avoid looking at Phoenix.

I knew he was staring at me as I felt a hole burning into the side of my face. Not that it matters since I shut off my mind link a few days ago and am glad I did for the sake of this moment. Although the bad part of that was I wasn't able to talk with Delanee through it 

I escorted them all into the room where my parents and sister were at and had them all sit down.

"Mother, father and sister. This is Alpha Phoenix and...." I began to introduce them when my father cut me off.

"We know who they are!" He snaps at me and I next hear Phoenix growl as he begins glaring at my dad.

"Of course." I replied. "Well I'll leave you all to it while I finish preparing dinner." I tell them and I walk out towards the kitchen.

This is gonna be harder than I had thought.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
Sorry I didn't post yesterday. Been fighting a head cold for almost a week now and was real tired yesterday from work and Nyquil. Lol. But here's another chapter along with other chapters from the other stories. :);)

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