CHAPTER 21: Come Back To Me...You Promised

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What did he just say? I asked Delanee as I could hear all the gasps of shock and horror that the crowd made and looks on their faces after it was said what they'd be doing.
However, I had never heard of that before.

I could tell that Delanee looked worried and Neil was trying to comfort her. Meanwhile, I had to know what 'The Cage' was and what all was involved.

"What's the cage?" I asked Delanee and Neil.

They both looked at one another and I noticed as she looked over towards me she was forcing a smile.

"It's one of the most dangerous events ever made for the games. In fact it was banned centuries ago because we lost too many and there hardly were any winners." She regrets to say.

"Then why are they being allowed to do it now?" I asked worried.

"I don't know but don't worry. My cousin is strong. He's one of the best fighter's in the world."  She says.

I want to believe her but my heart and stomach are fearing the worst.

All the Elders were discussing things as Ezekiel and Phoenix were both getting ready for the fight and as soon as they came back out and got into the rounded ring in the middle of the arena that was brought out and I looked at Phoenix but he didn't look at me.

I could feel that he was too worried to look at me and u fortunately you can't mind link with each other during the competitions because of the rules of them having to turn it off.

Then the cage came lowering down over them as they continued glaring at one another and that's when I got worried and unfortunately doubtful of this outcome.

While the cage locked into place, I closed my eyes as the crowd grew silent and watched with anticipation for them to begin.

They both shifted into their werewolf forms and both stood 6 ft to 7 ft tall, muscular with sharp claws and eight packs at a stance with each other.

Phoenix's werewolf was so hot as his dark black cherry red fur glistened from the light of the full moon and then there was Ezekiel's werewolf which was a dark chocolate brown and to me, wasn't too impressive. In fact, he looks more like a Beta really next to MY Alpha.

Then the announcer howled and both Phoenix and Ezekiel growl loudly before throwing claws and snapping their sharp canines at each other as they attack one another.

The fight was nonstop intense and nerve wrecking as it was really hard to see who was winning although I believed it was Phoenix as his growl was more loud than Ezekiel's.

It was almost unbearable to watch. Then during the middle of the fight I could hear yelps from both of them and could tell they both were being burned as you not just heard their yelps of pain but also you could hear the sizzling of the wolfs bane the cage was coated with as it hit their skin.

I couldn't stand watching my mate being in pain and growing tired more by the minute while somehow, Ezekiel was not even out of breath. That's odd.

"Hey Delanee?" I ask her.

"Yes?" She asks still scared.

"Look down there at Ezekiel and tell me if you notice what I do about his strength and stamina." I tell her.

She looks down at him more intensely and then gets wide-eyed before she looks back at me.

"Oh my god. Do you think maybe he took something?" She asks.

"What's going on?" Neil chimes in.

"Look down there at Ezekiel. Look at his Stamina compared to Phoenix." Delanee points out.

"Oh my god." He says under his breath.

Then I try and tell the head Elder right next to me.

He then glances at them both fighting a little more (thanks to one of the many abilities werewolves have).

"Oh no." He says.

"We need to do something quick before he kills Phoenix." I start to beg him.

"T-there's not much we can do. That cage will not unlock under any circumstances until one is defeated or dead." He says with much sympathy.

I look down at them both and wipe the tears  away as they begin to fall and then I see Phoenix on the ground in the middle of the fighting ring and Ezekiel's werewolf standing over a half beaten Phoenix and is about to finish him off. But I refuse to let that happen.

"EZEKIELLLL!!!" I growl loudly shaking up the entire arena and everyone looking at me scared.

Ezekiel looks up at me still as his wolf and I make the decision right then and there to shift into my wolf in front of everyone.

My bones start cracking as they are being stretched and my canines become sharper and the top and bottom two elongate as well as my nails grow longer into razor sharp claws and my big puffed out chest along with my dark purple fur grows all over and all my clothes rip off of me until I have shifted entirely with red in my eyes.

While I glare at Ezekiel from down below as his wolf smirks at me, I quickly make my way down there by jumping out from the judges box, sprinting over as many people I can as they stay seated in their seats in shock and amusement while I knock a few things over along the way until I am right in front of the cage.

I don't even care if it's gonna hurt. Nobody messes with the ones I love. INCLUDING my mate and father of my kid.

So I take a look at Phoenix as he stays laying on the ground with shallow breaths and then I show more of my canines and growl a little more as I look back at Ezekiel.

"You wanna play with the men huh?" He remarks through mind link.

"No mind linking aloud. Although, while I have you, let me warn you just how dead you will be from my bare hands in the next five minutes." I threaten him through mind link before shutting it off.

That's when I pry the cage opened wide enough to get in, ignoring the pain I was feeling from the wolfs bane and the blood now dripping from my paws from the sharp barbed wires cutting into my flesh and I leaped in and landed on my feet 6 ft tall to be exact.

We next sent at each other although I didn't give him too many chances to hit me. I was too pissed and too much into seeing nothing but red that I made sure he never got the chance to hit me. Except for one quick second. The rest of the time I was thinking of nothing but the flashbacks in how he treated me as well as what all he would do to me and our family in the future among others that I refused to let that happen and is why now, I. Will. Make. Sure. He. Dies.

The crowds cheering was great to hear they were doing that for me.

That's all it took. In a swift quick movement, just as I see him jump in the air towards me, it felt like slow motion that sped up the closer he got to me where I clawed at his stomach and face at the same time, where his guts begin falling out all over. And as I watch his lifeless body hit the ground so hard, I finally feel for the first time in my life, that I am NOT someone you fuck with!!

The crowd were dead silent for a moment  and then quickly stood and cheered at me as well as howled. Just as I did.

I shifted back into me human form, and quickly ran to Phoenix's side where he was in his human form as well, all three of us were naked but I didn't care. I had to make sure he was alright.

The crowd then fell dead in silence again as they noticed I was trying to wake Phoenix up.

"Baby please open your eyes." I started to cry as I held him in my arms and ignored the pain my whole body was feeling.

Then shortly afterwards, I felt Delanee put blankets over him and me as he was taken away to the infirmary to see the pack doctor. However, it didn't look too good. He was hurt very badly.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
So it's super long of a chapter but it's a treat again for you guys as a thank you for being so patient and supporting my stories and everything. I hope he's okay though.

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