CHAPTER 2: Hey There Cousin!!

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Man I couldn't be more excited for this year. Because for the Alpha Games, I was asked to be a judge. I have after all won for the last five years in a row and have become undefeated. Just as I have been as an Alpha with a great tough pack as well.

Even better than that is also I get to get back in the ring and fight underground in the Wolf fights that I haven't participated in for a while since my pack and I have been busy the past couple of years with certain things. 

I miss the ring because it helps prepare you for the wolf games, in particular, the Alpha games. Plus, I get to see my favorite cousin Delanee who I haven't seen in a couple years and haven't seen my aunt and uncle neither in a while.

We are all very close and Delanee and I both are like best friends. We know each other's secrets and have always been there for one another. I'm gonna surprise her too by calling her from the fights tomorrow night and see if she'll come and watch me.

My best friend and Beta of my pack, Neil, was finishing up with booking our flights to go and see my cousin and while boarding first class, I can see a bunch of girls staring at me flirtatiously and trying to catch my attention but to be honest, I'm not that kind of a guy.

Don't get me wrong, I used to be a player back in high school and have gotten laid by many girls throughout the years bit as of last year, I decided to wait for my mate. At least that's what my wolf, Arrow tells me.

To be honest I'm kind of on the fence a little bit about the whole mate thing and rather or not I believe in it. I don't even know if I'm ready to be tied down.

Shit, I have even known people throughout the years that said they are miserable with their mates. Sure there are a few that have had success such as my aunt and uncle but I learned when I was younger that love can't be forced and that some people are just meant to be alone.

For example, my mother. After my father left her for another woman, she became severely depressed to the point of one day killing herself when I was only eight years old. That's where my aunt and uncle took me in. And as great as they were, I also learned that the mating thing is just one of those things you hear are successful in only movies and stories or whatever girls believe.

"So you feeling nervous about the Alpha games and being a judge?" Neil asks me.

"Not so much. I mean, as much as I enjoyed competing, it honestly will be interesting to be in the judges seat and watch other new upcoming Alpha's try and win the title and prove their worth." I tell him.

"Yeah, it will be pretty cool. Does Delanee know you're coming?" He asks.

"Not yet. I'm gonna surprise her." I tell him.

"You know how much she hates surprises." He says.

"I know but, that's what makes it much funner and more funny." I tell him.

"True." He chuckles.

"Well I'm gonna get some sleep." I tell him while putting earbuds in my ears and listening to my music while starting to fall asleep.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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