CHAPTER 14: My Beautiful Distraction

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When I woke up this morning with Sundaye in my arms, right away a smile appeared on my face.

I can't believe I had made the mistake in letting her go before. Especially back to the awful place she had to call her home for so long. However, that's all over with and in the past.

I have my pack keeping an eye out for Ezekiel as I already know he will want revenge after finding his mate's body, but mostly, he'll want to hurt her and get back at me by taking Sundaye from me or hurting her and I can't let that happen.

I can't think about all of that right now though. I need to focus on making sure that Sundaye is okay and to help her train so that both her and her wolf can be stronger than ever.

After making her some breakfast, I carried on a tray the plate of food and some milk and once I walked into the room, I noticed she was still laying down in bed and looked over at me and we smiled at one another as I closed the door behind me and walked over towards the bed and set the tray down beside her.

I then sat down next to her and she started to sit up then I leaned in to give her a kiss.

"Good morning beautiful." I tell her.

"Good morning." She smiles.

"I wasn't sure what you'd like so I made a little bit of everything." I chuckled.

"This looks really good, I'm starving." She says.

"I hope it tastes good " I chuckled.

"I'm sure it does." She says.

"So how are you feeling?" I asked.

"Better. That's the one thing about us wolves that can be beneficial, being able to heal overnight." She says with a hint of sadness in her tone.

"Physically, yes." I replied.

She looked at me and smiled a little bit I could tell she was sad and upset. It is true that we can heal overnight for most physical injuries but it is the emotional scars that take time.

We end up having some breakfast before laying in bed for a little bit and watch some Netflix.

When we were finished, I let her shower first before I did and got ready.  In which I needed to meet up with the Wolf Council as well as the judges for the Alpha Games that were coming up because there were just a few weeks left until the games began and all the judges needed to pick out the competitors.

"I have never been able to watch an Alpha game, I've only heard about them." Sundaye says as we're driving to the arena where the games will be at to take a look at them.

"You're so cute." I tell her. As I think it's adorable at how excited she is.

"Are female wolves gonna compete also?" She asks.

"That depends. If they pass the drills we give them here at the auditions, then yes." I smile at her.

"Have there been many females that have played in the games and won?" She asks me.

"Oh yeah. But it's been me winning all of the games in the past several years." I tell her.

"Really?" She asks.

"Yep. That's why they wanted me to be one of the judges and to help pick out the competitors this year since I don't plan on doing them." I explain to her.

"Oh wow...." She says.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing." She shakes her head a little. "It's just pretty hot that my mate is not only an Alpha but the winner of the last several years of the Alpha Games." She smiles.

"I love you baby." I tell her.

"I love you too." She smiles at me.

We then pull up and get out before walking hand-in-hand towards the arena.

When we walked in through the front gates of the arena, we started walking down the long hallway until we stepped out onto the grounds of the arena where in the middle were the judges all sitting down at a table, talking to each other and then there were a bunch of people ranging from the ages of sixteen to twenty-five and both males and females.

When we walked up to the table, the judges greeted me and Sundaye and introduced themselves as I did with her. Then we sat down and began the auditions.

They were interesting and the competitors seemed to have been more than prepared and stronger than it has been for a while. They were gonna all do great.

Though most of the time I would look at Sundaye as it was hard for me not to. My god she is so sexy and beautiful.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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