CHAPTER 15: HAS To Be A Dream

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For all of my life I have always wanted to watch an Alpha Game in person but never got the chance to and now that I have that chance I am also getting the opportunity in seeing the competitors and I have to say that there are a lot of strong people here. 

I felt very welcomed by the other judges greeting me and allowing me to be here with them. I felt really special.

Then after all the auditions, Phoenix asked for my opinion about who would all be competing and then once we were finished with that we decided to head out to see a movie and grab something to eat.

I was feeling really tired and haven't been thinking about Ezekiel or feeling even worried. I know I probably should be worried but I honestly do feel really safe with Phoenix and everyone else.

On our way home while driving in the car, both me and Phoenix were talking about a few things and about me coming to a meeting with him tomorrow when all of a sudden we feel something hit us from behind, causing Phoenix to almost lose control of the car and when he gets back on the road and more control of the wheel, he quickly looks behind him and in the rear view mirror as well as the side mirrors and white knuckles the steering wheel before stepping on the gas pedal to the floor.

We start speeding through the road and the headlights from the car who hit us from behind is catching up to us and is starting to scare me.

"What's going on?" I ask panicked.

"It's Ezekiel!" Phoenix says.

"What the hell?!" I asked freaked out. "Is he gonna kill us?!" I asked worried and scared.

"No. Just stay calm and stay down no matter what." He tells me as he continues speeding down the roadway faster and more scary until the next thing I know is we're knocked from the side and I hear our tires screeching as we swerve into a ditch and once we stop, Phoenix quickly unbuckles us both, takes my hand and we right away begin running through the woods.

After nearly falling a couple of times cause of not having time to remove my shoes and due to the fact I have no time to look out for the things on the ground getting in my way, I stop to also catch my breath.

"Baby come on. We're almost there." He tells me.

"I can't you have to give me a second." I say through breaths. "I am the one in heels after all." I tell him.

"We don't have time to stop baby. Come on." He says and the next thing I know he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and begins running even quicker until we finally reach the back of the house.

When we get to the backyard, I had already mind linked Neil and Delanee and they had greeted us outside.

Then once we got inside, I noticed all the windows were quickly being covered by heavy medal panels and the front doors as well as the back were being covered by medal panels as well.

"What the hell is going on? This looks like the house from The Purge." I ask.

"Technically my parents had this built for in case there was either a storm, tornado or any disaster, including anyone threatening, that we needed to keep from entering." Delanee explains.

"Well, what do we do now? Stay in here and die from hunger or electricity or things that we need from the outside?" I ask panicked.

All three of them look at me and smile, which pisses me off because I don't find any of this funny at all.

"Sorry babe but, this isn't the end of the world or anything. This is just a precaution and we can still get out. Plus, we have more than enough things here that can help keep us alive for a hundred years with thirty people being here also. So don't worry." Phoenix tells me.

This is crazy. This has to be some kind of a dream and it happens to take place in the future. Yeah, that's what this is.

"I know you're confused but don't worry, everything is going to be okay. We're safe. Besides, the others will let us know if anything happens where we need to leave." Delanee assures me.

The tiredness I was feeling moments ago before we were driven into a ditch, was catching up to me. So me and Phoenix had gone upstairs and we went to sleep.

I still think this is a dream that I am gonna soon wake up from. It has to be right? I hope no robotic werewolf or cyclops looking thing comes out.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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