EPILOGUE: 7 Years Later

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It's been several years since everything happened with Ezekiel.

Once Phoenix was fully healed, we were asked to go and speak with the wolf council. Which to be honest, I was scared that I would be tried for my actions that night but instead they didn't punish me but I did get more respect from them all as they felt I had proved myself to them.

Things have been going great and we ended up having twins, Ryder and Royce. Then a year after that, we got married.

I've never been happier and everyday I wake up and look at my family, I thank the Moon Goddess for everything. Even for the scars. Scars can be looked at as battle wounds and reminders of how we survived hell in our lives. They also help shape us to become stronger.

I used to be ashamed and felt that they made me weak and too ugly to be loved. They were reminders of pain. Hatred. Rage. Weakness. It wasn't until that night of the fight when I finally killed Ezekiel that I felt for the first time just how amazingly strong my scars made me.

Fear now is not an option and doesn't dictate my future. As a mother, Luna and Wife, I am a force all my own to be reckoned with. But with my mate and my Alpha by my side, we are both undefeatable.

Today we were grilling and having a few people over with their kids to just hang out and have some fun.

Neil and Delanee had gotten married just a year after when me and Phoenix did and are now expecting their first child.

Life has a weird and at times, disturbing way in throwing things at you unexpectedly, but I guess in a way it keeps you alert, right?

"Mom, Royce is being a jerk!" My son Ryder runs up to me in the kitchen as I try to finish up mixing a few side dishes while soaking wet from just getting out of the pool.

Royce comes running up behind him trying to defend himself.

"But mom, he is such a baby! How can he ever become an Alpha like dad when he cries to easily?!" He exclaims.

My boys are smart for their ages that sometimes I forget they are only seven years old.

"What happened?" I asked.

They both try and talk at the same time before I stop them both and ask Ryder.

"Okay, Ryder, you go first." I say.

"Momma's boy" Royce mutters under his breath.

"Royce!" I snap at him.

He just rolls his eyes. I swear he gets to be more and more like his dad everyday.

"Well he is. Although he IS the baby." Royce says with his arms crossed.

"Shut up no I'm not! We're the same age!" Ryder fires back at him.

"No we're not. I am two minutes older." Royce tells him sticking his tongue out.

"That's enough!" I tell them both with a snap of my fingers, they stop and look at me as they know how serious I am when I snap my fingers.

"Sorry." They both tell me.

"Alright babe. All the food is grilled. Need any help in here?" Phoenix asks.

"Yes I do." I tell him. "It seems like something happened with our boys outside but I can't get to the bottom of it because they won't stop fighting." I tell him.

"Oh that? Pfft. I told them it was no big deal. They're just being boys." He tells me brushing it off.

"Fine then." I roll my eyes. "Boys just try to get a long." I tell them and have them go back outside. "And don't run and bring water in this house!" I shout at them.

After running back outside, I go back to taking some things out of the fridge and try to finish up when I feel Phoenix come up from behind me, wrapping both his arms around my waist and placing gentle kisses in the crook of my neck.

"Mmm, baby, you look so hot in you tankini and see through dress you have on right now." He tells me.

"Thanks." I giggle as he kisses my soft spot.

"You wanna do a quick one?" He asks as I feel him start to grope one of my breasts and slides his other hand up my dress and slips a finger between my folds making me lick my lips.

"But we both know it's never that quick." I moan.

"Come on baby. I promise, I'll be quick." He kisses me some more and nibbles a little no my neck.

"Mmm....Okay." I tell him as I turn around and quickly he picks me up and has me straddle his waist as be carries me into the office that's a few feet from the kitchen and then locks the door behind us and we get right into it starting with him thrusting deep and hard inside of me immediately covering my loud moans with his mouth and then his hand.

We end up making love to each other until we both release at the same time and then after getting dressed, we hurry and fix our hair and everything and he slaps my ass real hard on the way out.

I start to laugh and as soon as we open the door, we see Delanee and Neil standing in the kitchen taking the side dishes outside.

"Finally. The food is getting cold you two." They smile and we all begin walking outside.

Once we take a seat, our sons both asked us where we were at.

Phoenix's aunt and uncle along with everyone else looks at us knowing where we were and what we were doing which made me blush.

"Well let's eat shall we?" Phoenix's aunt says and winks at us while all of us start to eat.

I guess I should be more quiet.

Everything is perfect. I look around the table and I see for once people I can call family and that makes me the happiest and luckiest person in the world.

"Uh oh." We suddenly hear Delanee. "My water broke!" She exclaims.

Well, time for a new adventure!

                           The End!!

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