CHAPTER 20: What Is He On?!?

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Well, this is it. Today is the day of the Alpha Games and although I felt a little nervous before, after last night when I gave Sundaye the ring, all my fears about tonight went away.

We didn't even talk about it at all and went on with our day preparing as though I was just training new recruits to the pack.

After we arrived we noticed everyone in my pack along with many others who were there to cheer me on filling most of the arena and then of course, the little amount of pack members for Ezekiel's pack, were sitting in front across from mine.

Then above in the Judge's box we call it, all the judges were already seated and waiting and before sending Sundaye up there, I have her look at me. That's the moment it hit us both and she began to tear up.

"Don't cry." I tell her as I hold her head. "Remember, I'll come back to you." I try to reassure her.

"You better. For the sake of both me and the baby." She tells me as she next presses my forehead against hers and we stand there for a moment until we are interrupted by none other than Ezekiel.

"Aww how cute." He mocks.

We both glare at him and she wipes her tears away real quick.

"Ezekiel." I seethe.

"Don't worry Sundaye, soon you'll know what it's like to be with a REAL man." He remarks.

I get ready to throw a fist to his jaw but she stops it and has me look back at her and look into her eyes.

"Save it for the competition. I love you and you are more of a man and Alpha than he ever will be. Just stay focused on why you are fighting and who you are fighting for." She says as she places one hand on her heart and the other on her stomach as she places her hand onto my heart.

I hold the back of her head and then give her a long passionate kiss before the announcer comes to get me. I notice her crying even more as she see's me walk away while I look back at her and notice Neil and Delanee thankfully come and walk her upstairs with the judges.

Once we arrive at the entrance to the arena gates as they are being lifted, it reminds me of the gladiator stadium.

The announcer wishes us good luck and then heads out into the middle of the arena with his microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Luna's, Alpha's and all others! Welcome to our FIRST Alpha battle in history where two already claimed Alpha's will be taking on the challenges tonight! First they will need to test their strengths against the obstacle course that no other can do, except if you're an Alpha. It would even put human military training to shame. Then whoever finishes the course first, will determine the final event and whoever survives that, will gain the ultimate title and earn their seat in the Wolf Council, right next to the Head Elder!" He announces.

And to be honest, we are all taken back as I never knew they upped it by giving that position to the winner. So that's even a better reason as to why I must win this.

He first announces Ezekiel and there of course are some cheers, mostly boo's though. Then he announces me and everyone stands and cheers for me. Which I never get over the uproar from the crowd, it always gets me pumped up more.

Before the announcer leaves, he has Ezekiel and I look at one another and goes over the rules about playing fair and well, you know the rest.

We get in position and the next thing we hear is the loud howl from the announcer loudly being done through the microphone instead of what others do to start something with a buzzard sound or shooting a gun, well, we howl instead.

Him and I then start taking off and of course I am faster than him and doing better. But I never get too cocky. That's how people mostly lose.

So as we go through mud, fire and many other obstacles, we both seem to finish close to the same time. Then as soon as we hunch over to try and catch our breaths with cuts and sweat afterwards, the announcer says that Eziekiel won by very little.

It sucks to lose, but out of all the people to lose to, I hate that it was to him. It's not that I'm afraid of what he decides to do as the final event, but it's more of the fact that it's him in general and also, I guess a little bit of the fact that he did surprise me in the fact he not just beat me but also, that he has gotten stronger somehow and faster. Which to be honest, seems sketchy to me.

When the announcer turns and asks him what he chooses as the final event, winner takes all, I wasn't surprised when he chose 'The Cage'.

'The Cage' is just what it sounds like where you and your opponent go in and fight with each other while an all-over-coated-made- cage with Wolfs bane and some barbed wires is surrounding them.

It's highly more dangerous than the others and what makes it more dangerous right now is the fact that we both have given our all just now and are both too tired. Well I am at least a little more than he is but again, I think he's fine cause he took something. But again, I'm not afraid. Cause I will kill him and this way, it'll be done to where it's be legal.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
I decided  to make this two chapters long so I will post the next one soon! :)

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