Ch. 2: "What the Fuck"

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Chapter 2: "What The Fuck"

It was only a few weeks after I introduced myself to Levi. To say the least, he was really strange. Whenever Sarah and I found out a new weird habit of his, we would exchange glances as though to say 'What the fuck? Can he get anymore odd?'
For example, it was a surprise to learn that he doesn't sleep in a bed most nights.
Once I went to return my teacup to the kitchen when he awoke, making me jump out of my skin, drop the cup and release a scream so loud only a 30 metre class titan could top it.
He gave no reaction to this, just stared at me with a weary and impatient expression.
I made sure to return the stare (with a bit more terror and surprise in my eyes but nonetheless, I held the eye contact). I wondered if he was going to say anything. I wondered if I was going to say anything. I looked down and picked up the cup. God, I felt stupid, overreacting for nothing and probably waking everyone up.
I didn't look back at him, I just turned to the sink and started to wash my cup. Luckily, this one was metal so it didn't shatter.
I wanted to take this whole thing in my stride so I cleared my throat and said,

'Is there something unsatisfactory with your bed? I can arrange to get you a new one.'
And.. silence. Maybe he went back to sleep? I will never understand how anyone can sleep upright in a chair, I've always needed specific conditions to sleep. Like a comfortable bed for instance with a pillow and blankets.

'No. That's okay.' he finally replied, voice on par with the bitterness of a dark chocolate brownie. His reply didn't answer the question I really wanted to ask though, which was 'if your bed is fine, why are you sleeping here?' I felt as though I was intruding on him. Yet, the kitchen is a communal space so I decided, (while I was rinsing suds off my mug) that if he was going to be blunt, I could be blunt also.

'So... why are you sleeping here, then?'
I dried off the mug with a crusty old tea towel and set it down, turning around to face him. His arms were crossed and he rested his legs up on another chair (did I mention he was still in his uniform too?). I leant back on the kitchen counter, also crossing my arms.

'There's no point in sleeping in a bed.' He answered with a heavy sigh. As I heard this, I wanted to throw a 'what the fuck?' glance at Sarah - or anyone. But since the whole regiment was asleep, I had to keep all my judgments to myself.

'I never really get a full night's sleep anyways. So it's pointless being in a bed,' he continued.
'Ookaay?' I thought to myself. What does that mean?

'Oh, alright. I hope you sleep well, then,' I said and walked out. As I was returning to my own bed, I thought about what he had said. Was he trying to explain insomnia? I also found it funny how he clearly felt a little bit frustrated at himself for how he was explaining it. As though he was trying hard to communicate clearly. I don't know, maybe he was just tired, after all I did wake him up quite abruptly. Or maybe he's just not a fantastic communicator. Which, after all, is fine. It was just another thing to add to the 'Weird things about Levi' list.

Other things one might find on that list would be; the way he holds his cups, the fact that he only sleeps for three hours at a time, he hates dirt and needs everything to meet his standard of cleanliness (this isnt the the worst habit but it's still funny), I once heard him complain about the air inside the walls being stale or something and he is constantly crude (in speech and behaviour) which makes him almost completely unapproachable. We're basically the same height, which is lucky because if he was any taller, I would've been even more intimidated by him.

Now, I dont want it to seem like we're singling him out, the only entertainment we get around here is from each other and right now, Levi is by far the most entertaining. In fact, we poke fun at Levi a whole lot less than everyone else because he's so violent.
I heard he was a thug in the underground so that doesn't surprise me much. But we all secretly love it when Devin provokes him. Devin has a lot of BS to say and he loves a bit of mischievous fun and winding people up a bit. Usually Levi ignores him and rolls his eyes or something but one time over dinner, he must have either struck a nerve, or been too annoying for too long (I mean Devin was getting in his face a bit) and Levi, in one swift movement, had him by the throat pinned against the wall. This caught us all by surprise, some of us pushed back our chairs and stood up, the hall went silent. I couldn't hear what Levi was saying, but I could guess it was another threat. Even now, his voice was so calm as though he was just stating facts like 'no, Devin, the sky is blue,'
It didn't take for Devin's face to return back to its natural state of cockiness.

'Ha-ha, okay guys stop measuring dicks and get back to the table already, the soup is getting cold.' I said, pushing my hair out of my face and sitting back down. Levi, still with no change of emotion, pushed Devin to the ground and returned to his seat.

Later that night, when everyone was beginning to go to bed, I went to Levi's room. I don't know why or what I was going there to say, I was just a little curious about him. So I knocked hard three times on the door.
And he answered, 'What is it?'

Ugh, his attitude annoyed me so much.

'It's Alyssa. Can I come in?'
I heard his loud footsteps walk over and he opened the door. I smiled at him but I got no such thing back. He stepped out of the way to let me in. A bunk bed, a chair, a small table and a small chest of drawers is the furniture provided in each room, usually people bring furnishings or personal items but Levi had none. None that were out at least. All I could see was a full china tea set on top of the drawers. He must have seen me looking at it, because after he closed the door he offered me a cup of black tea. I accepted. I love black tea.

'I've heard that you're highly skilled at combat and using the ODM gear, which explains why the Scouts want you here. But how come you chose the scouting legion? No offence but you don't come across as overly passionate about the cause,' I inquired before I took a sip of tea.

'I don't know, I wouldn't say passionate is the right word for me. But now I've experienced being outside of the walls, it seems wrong to do anything but fight for what belongs to us. This world is a nightmare. And I want to put an end to it.'

'Hm,' I smiled,' Fair enough.'

'Is this what you came here to talk about?' he asks, eyeing me up.

'Erm, no. Not really,' I said, straightening up. I have a bad habit of slouching when sitting on beds. He was sat across from me on the chair, posture straight as ever.

'I don't know I guess you just never really talk much, and I understand I just like to get to know the people in the squad, I guess. Makes it easier to trust them. And trust is essential to me,' I didn't have a real answer, but that was the closest I'd get to one.

'Where is this tea from? Its too good for the scout budget for sure,' I asked trying to change the subject.

'I go into town and buy some when I can. So far, this is the best I've found' he replied.

We spoke a little longer, and strangely, he seemed nice enough when I got talking to him a little more. And I think, at the end of the day, it does come down to trust. If this guy was only ever hostile and rude to us, when the time comes, could we trust him? I probably wouldn't. So I guess that's why I kept trying to talk to him. To make sure I can trust him and his decisions.

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