Ch. 31: Snowfall

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Chapter 31: Snowfall

Devin must have heard me in the wagon because later in the day when we got back to the barracks he asked me if I'd known Levi before we joined up. I told him that I didn't know him as though he had no reason to think that and tried to brush it off naturally even though I found myself trying not to get flustered or awkward.

By the time we made it back to the barracks the sun had just gone down and silence was shared between everyone. Conversation was sparse and the mood was sombre, melancholy even. We sorted out our horses, put away supplies and wagons before heading off to bed. Many skipped dinner completely, I definitely lost my appetite.

When the sun went down, the air quickly turned terribly cold. It was coming up to December and we were lucky that the summer was long and lasted well into Autumn. It had been raining for most of the journey back and we were all soaked and uncomfortable. I needed a hot shower and a very long, deep sleep. 

As I was helping put the horses back in their stables I saw Levi walking inside from the corner of my eye. I missed being with him. Days like this made me want to stay in his bed again, borrowing his warmth and drinking tea in the mornings and knowing he was there even while I slept. Levi disappeared from my sight as he went inside, the cold rain still hammering down on me, my hair and clothes already drenched. I was deeply tempted to go to his room tonight. I found a  frustrated feeling rising up in my chest when I realised that I couldn't. Was it worth this? Was this deprivation worth it? 

I missed him so much it felt like my stomach was being tied into a knot whenever I thought about it. And I felt so guilty for hurting him. First my sister and now this. 

I went inside, took a hot shower and walked into my room expecting to see Sarah but she wasn't there. She often stayed in Eld's room so it wasn't a surprise but it made me feel lonely. I wanted company tonight which just added to the temptation to go and see Levi. I lingered between the door and my bed wondering what I should do. With a heavy sigh I shuffled over to my bed and got under the covers, letting myself fall asleep. 

I didn't want to bother him by seeing him tonight. 

The next day there was going to be a little party, nothing big. We would just be hanging out in the dinning room with some booze. I wasn't in the mood to drink surprisingly, so I decided to go but stay away from the alcohol. Not many newbies came in either so it was mainly people I knew. I arrived a little later than the arranged time and the group was being rowdy. As soon as I entered the busy room I felt like I should have left. I wasn't in the mood at all to have fun. I felt tired and melancholy. I sat down on one of the benches by myself and stared off into the distance, mentally preparing myself to be social.

Sarah came up to me, dragging Eld behind her. 'Hey, what's up?' She asked sounding a little concerned. 

'Nothing, I'm fine,' I replied with a sheepish smile, hiding all the thoughts of Levi I'd been having.

'Here, drink this and get your ass over here.' Sarah said, thrusting a bottle of beer into my hand and dragging me over to our group of friends. Devin was clearly already drunk and being rowdy. The room was lit only by the torches lit on two sides of the wall. Gianne was also noticeably drunk. 

Ugh, I have no patience for this right now.

I sat down on one of the uncomfortable sofas by my group of drunken friends and sipped reluctantly on the beer Sarah shoved at me. As the hours went on I had drunk three bottles (still not enough to get me drunk), and watched everybody else get completely shit faced. I knew exactly where I would rather be. I got up, intending to leave and go back to my room.

'Hey, what's your problem?' A familiar voice asked from behind me. It was Devin. I spun on my heel with an eye roll to meet him.

'...My problem?'

'Yeah, you look like shit.' He was holding a glass filled with a light brown liquid. 

'Fuck off, Devin.' I said in a sing-song way trying to dismiss him as soon as possible so I could leave. I pushed past him and left the room. Even the hallway felt like a breath of fresh air but I could still hear the voices through the door.

I made my way slowly up to the roof. The hallways were dark and empty and quiet. The only sound came from my boots on the stone floors. I lifted the wooden latch on the door and exited the building, stepping out into the cold air on the roof. The winter chill in the night air was refreshing. The moon was full and bright but I couldn't see it when the dark clouds covered it up. 

I was so completely distracted that I didn't notice a figure sitting on the edge of the building in the corner. I was embarrassed that I didn't notice straight away because I thought I was alone.

'Hey, are you alright?' I asked, hoping they would turn around so I could see who it was. The person looked back with a cold expression before turning back around. It was Levi. I had totally forgotten that he liked to come up here sometimes. I hesitantly walked over to the edge of the building and sat down, swinging my legs over the roof. 

'How's your face?'

'What?' Levi asked as though he'd interpreted my question as an insult.

'Your cut, dipshit.'I muttered feeling too tired to even begin to try and filter my words.

'It's fine, reckless shithead.'Levi said, not taking his eyes from the scene in front of him. 'You really fucking scared me yesterday. I thought you were going to bite the dust.' 

I looked down at my feet. 'Well, I'm here.' The moon's light was blocked by a cloud. In the distance I could see it was raining, it was only a matter of time before the wind would bring it over.

'Yeah.' Levi said quietly. His tone deep. I couldn't take my eyes from the view in front of us. It was beautiful, especially at night. But the wind was cold and I could see my breath in the air. 

'Come on, let's go in, we'll get drenched out here.' I said standing up and moving towards the door.

'No, you go. I'm okay here.' The wind was picking up. My hair was flying around manically. I could start to feel the rain spiting down on us. I held out my hand and looked up. The rain had turned to snow.

I smiled softly to myself as snow was something we rarely see, especially so early on in the year. I'd only ever seen snow twice, both times when I was a kid. My gaze fell on Levi once more and I noticed he had stuck his hand out too, to catch the falling ice. 

'...You sure you don't wanna come in? You'll catch a cold.' I said, trying to look out for him, and make up for the cut I gave him.

'So this is what snow's like huh?' He said, completely ignoring my question. I walked back to the edge of the roof and looked down to him.

Has he never seen snow before?

'Yeah,' I said with a slight chuckle. I looked up, the white specks swirled around in a flurry in the wind. It was an almost magical sight against the dark view of the town below. And when I looked down, I found Levi sticking out his tongue a little to catch the falling ice.

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