Chapter 1: The Thief

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~Y/n's p.o.v~

My heartbeat pounded rapidly as my breathing became more and more ragged by the second. They were bound to come after me. Why? Because I'm a thief. Nobody knows who I am but I've gained a feared reputation in the kingdom. I am, after all, the best thief there is. Shame I'm famous for all the wrong reasons. You're probably thinking something like Robin Hood but you couldn't be more wrong. I steal for myself. I'd betrayed my highest paying customer, maybe it was out of hatred for the man, maybe it was my greed but it was worth way too much to give away. The Arua Lufnis; It's truly a treasure of legends. He was stupid, thinking I'd give him the ring. No one truly knows what it does but from now on I'm it's master.

I tried to steady my breathing as I slowed to a stop. My lungs were tight in my chest and I struggled, taking sharp intakes of breath. My adrenaline has disappeared and I'm an exhausted mess. I looked around me and sighed, observing the desert wasteland I was in.

I wandered around for while, steering clear of the main road as I trekked my way through the vast wasteland. I shivered as a breeze past by, it got so cold here at night. I glanced at my watch; 12:24pm. But, hopefully the sun will rise soon. I sighed and slung my backpack down, resting on the barren land. I groaned, my legs felt like fire- from running at the wounds I'd acquired. After a while my eyes grew heavy and I closed them, not noticing when exactly I fell asleep.

I woke up begrudgingly to the sound of someone talking. Suddenly alert, I sat up straight and let my eyes adjust to the light. When everything came into focus I realised I was laying down in an incredibly expensive limo. It had royal blue velvet seats I admired the colour before I soon realised it was not just me sitting on the beautiful seats. My eyes wandered over cautiously to the male across from me. Not looking at me he said,

"Did you sleep well milady?" It was a nice gesture but the way he said it made me think otherwise. His voice was cold, void of any other emotion besides hatred. He practically spat the words out at me. I narrowed my eyes and answered,

"Yes, very well. However, do you mind telling why I'm here?" his eyes flickered towards me before looking back out the window. Silence. I let out an inaudible sigh and examined the man in front of me. Lavish coat, designer clothes, expensive shoes; this guy was definitely rich, stupidly rich. On his right hand there was a white gold ring with a single word carved into the precious metal. "Acedia..." he glared at me.

"What did you say?" I glared back.

"Acedia, sloth. You're one of the Seven Sins." he smiled wickedly,

"So I am." My glare hardened.

"What do you want with me?" his wicked smile disappeared and withered into a look of distain.

"I need a thief, and my sources tell me you're the best there is." 


Helloooo welcome to my new story! I hope you enjoy it. (disclaimer; I DO NOT OWN BTS OR YOU..........but I would love to own BTS;)) *cue evil laughter*

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