Chapter 11: 2/7

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3rd person's P.O.V~

Jungkook looked at Y/n with a wide, adorable grin and he stood up excitedly.

"Can I go see my hyungs?" Smiling too, she stood up as well.

"Of course!" They both practically ran down the hall and burst into Namjoon's study where he and Taehyung were talking. Their eyes turned to the door and before they could react, Jungkook had bounded up to them, embracing them in a hug. Bleary eyes, Taehyung almost cried again and Namjoon smiled gratefully, the hyungs holding their dongsaeng close. Remaining that way for several minutes they finally broke apart and looked at Y/n.

"Thank you so much Y/n," they all said in unison. She gave a shy laugh and waved them off.

"Thank me when I manage more than 2 outta 7." Sitting down, she observed them looking so happy and yet so sad.

"um... pardon me but, is it alright if I ask how you went from being the Seven Heavenly Virtues to the Seven Deadly Sins?"

Looking at her, Namjoon seemed to debate it over. "I think you should know at least some of the story." Y/n sat up, her attention all on him.

"I would tell you what I know, but in truth, I don't really know anything about it," Taehyung said softly, Jungkook nodding in agreement. Namjoon took a deep breath, standing up as he rummaged his countless bookshelves. Finding what he was supposedly looking for, he handed the black leather-cover book with a single rune on the cover. "Sin?" Y/n mumbled, "that's pretty obvious don't you think?" Namjoon rolled his eyes, "it's the only one I have." Looking up in confusion she tilted her head.

"what you mean 'only one'." Jungkook and Taehyung peered over and let out sounds of recognition.

"oooh yeah. That's a trilogy. There are three of those kinds of books, right?" Jk spoke up making Taehyung nod, knowing what he meant.

"Yeah! 'Sin' is the second book. The first is 'Virtue' and the third one is... what's the third one again?" Taehyung asked Namjoon who looked down.

"The third book was lost, perished in a fire. It doesn't matter anymore what it was called."

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows, staring up at him. "Do you know what's it's called?" He averted his eyes and looked out the window.

"No. The cover was blank." He answered sincerely.

"You said you only had one? Who has the first book?" Heaving his chest, Namjoon looked back at Y/n with a small smirk.



Y/n's P.O.V

My face contorted to one of horror. He already hated me and now I need a book from him?

"W h y does he have the first book?!" Jungkook put his hand up like this was an elementary school class.

"Oh, I know! It's because Pride-nim, or Seokjin-hyung, is the oldest. So he was given the first book to protect."

Looking at Jungkook in dismay I gave a weak and weary smile.

"Well, it's a good thing I don't need to read it...right?" Namjoon snickered,

"Of course you need to read it. It's the very first book and tells you a lot of the information that you need."

Cursing, I stood up with a scowl. Already regretting my decision to get on his bad side.

"FiNe then I guess I just have to go and ask for it?"

They nodded at me with innocent smiles and I glared at them, sticking my tongue out. Laughing quietly at my impending doom, they waved goodbye as I slammed the study door shut and walked back to where I'd first met them. Maybe I'd be able to find him there.

Walking back towards my bedroom, I looked around. Why was it so damn quiet? There's literally no one here what even- ooft. Why is there a wall in the middle of the hallway? I looked up and although on the outside I was cool, calm and collected, my inner self screamed like a terrified grown man.


"Wrath." I nodded politely, my voice somehow steady. His eyes burned a blood-red as he glowered at me.

"You." He spat, the single word dripping with passionate abhorrence. Not knowing what to do, I tried stepping to the side but he mirrored my actions, very clearly not about to let the scene from before be forgotten just like that. I managed to look him in the eyes and maintain a stoic expression.

"Excuse me, may I please pass through?" I asked curtly. He scoffed and gave a humourless laugh.

"Not a chance."

"And why not? Did you need anything from me?" The word wrath couldn't even begin to describe how he looked. The look in his eyes made me feel more terrified than I've ever been. He had bloodlust oozing from him and fury radiating off of his form. Sparks began to appear around him and burning flames bounded as high as triple his size.

"What I need, is for you to tell me how, why and what the hell you did to me."

Twisting the ring on my finger I held my gaze despite the blaring sirens in my head, screaming at me to run for my life before I get charcoaled.

"Um," I started. How do I answer him without pissing him off even more?

"Well? Spit it out already I'm getting impatient." He said harshly. I looked at him and bit my tongue, thinking about who he was before he became a sin. The virtue of Patience.

"Well well well, what's happening here? The peasant getting into trouble already? Tsk, Tsk, I told you it would be your downfall."

.... Ah sugarsnaps... I'm done for.

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