Chapter 5: The 7 sins

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"MISS Y/N!!" I jumped out of my skin and fell off the bed.

 "Ow." I said, glaring at the voice in front of me. Jackson, if I remember correctly. Standing up slowly, my glare got colder.

"What. Do. You. Want?!" I shouted, launching myself at the said male. I tackled him to the ground and proceeded to mercilessly beat the hell out of him.

I only managed to give him two black eyes, a fractured forearm and three cracked ribs before I took notice of the sounds of laughter coming from the doorway. I looked up from my position on top of Jackson and stared, confused at the commotion.

Seven rich looking dudes were standing in the doorway. Actually, correction; four were on the ground in tears, two were crouched down from laughter and the other one was leaning against the door frame for support. The one leaning against the door I recognised to be Namjoon. I jumped up, stepped on Jackson and walked towards them.

"Sup Joonie, how you doing." he raised an eyebrow at the new nickname as I smirked, hearing gasps emit from the others.

"YOU TOLD HER YOUR NAME?!" one yelled. I looked at him blankly. He stood up from the his position on the ground and scolded Namjoon as the others eyed me like a hawk. My eyes connected with one and he licked his lips, making me smirk, 'lust huh?' suddenly, I heard my name. I broke eye contact with the gorgeous male and grinned.

"Yes?" RM rolled his eyes and lazily gestured to me.

"That's Y/n, my newest recruit." I smiled and stuck my hand out to shake the man's. He looked at it and scrunched his nose up in disgust.

"You must train your pet. It should know better than to touch me." I narrowed my eyes and growled, pulling my hand back.

"Fine. I wouldn't want to dirty my hands anyway." He gritted his teeth.

"You should learn to watch that tongue of yours. It just might be your downfall, you peasant."

 I ignored him and glanced down at my ring, the word 'Superbia' glowing a bright violet. 'Pride. I could've guessed'  I thought, turning away from the fuming male and moving on to the man next to him.

"Hey," he said, eyeing me up and down.

"Hey," I replied, copying him. Damn. Why are they all so good looking? I stuck my hand out. This time someone took it.

"Well at least someone is polite enough to take a freaking handshake." He cracked a smile and I stared. He was so cute. He's dangerous?!

"I'm Jimin." I raised an eyebrow.

"You told me your real name?" he nodded, glaring at Namjoon.

"He shouldn't be the only one to be so intimate with you." 

I almost snorted.

"Intimate? Ha! The most intimate thing we've done is look at each other." Jimin only glared harder,

"he doesn't even deserve such a privilege." 

I cocked an eyebrow and his eyes darted back to mine sheepishly. 

"My apologies, I just can't help being envious of him for finding such a treasure." 

I smiled politely and bowed my head.

"EXCUSE ME. I did NOT get a bow!" I sighed and looked at the voice.

"After the way you behaved did you really think you deserved one? No, I think not." I said dismissively at the damn prideful donkey before moving to greet the next handsome face in front of me.

He stopped snickering and looked at me with a smirk.

"I like you."

I smirked back. "Yeah, I like me too." 

He chuckled again. "Name's Jungkook." 

Jimin glared daggers. "Excuse me?" 

Jungkook's smirk widened. He looked into my eyes and took my hand, planting a soft kiss on my knuckles.

"Hey, too far," Jimin said through gritted teeth. 

"She's mine," RM stated coldly. Jimin seethed,

"She shouldn't be yours, she must be MINE!" 

Jungkook shrugged and showed me a sly smile, "what can I say, I'm greedy."

'Well played Kook. Well played. ' I didn't need to look at my ring to know who was who. It was kind of obvious.

 Three left I guess.

 I approached the gorgeous male with the most stunning visuals I'd seen before. 'Lust. Yay.' I thought sarcastically. 'If he touches me indecently I swear I'm gonna dropkick him into next year.' He smiled at me. It was sweet, he appeared to give off the vibe of a siren. Sweet but dangerous. He took my hand and intertwined it in his, kissing it seductively. 'Damn, he managed to one-up Jungkook.' I thought, and I suppose Jungkook thought the same because he watched the scene with disdain as Lust sent him a smug look.

"I'll assume you know who I am?" He asked.

"Not quite yet actually, show me more and perhaps then I'll figure it out," I asked under my breath. He looked shocked for a second before pulling me closer to him. He leaned in and whispered into my ear.

"As you wish..."

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