Chapter 6: Taming the untameable

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"OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH." Shouted Jimin. Lust sighed and pulled away, giving me a cute smile and a salute to Jimin. I chuckled and moved to the second last one.

"Hey there!" I greeted.

"Hey there!" he answered.

"So who're you?" His expression went from happy to a much darker look, a wicked smile on his face. 

"Guess." He said simply, a certain glint in his eyes. I looked down and pretended to think as I checked out my ring. The word 'Gula' glowing a rich orange.

"Gluttony," I replied, certain of my guess. He gave me a look of surprise before laughing.

"Nice catch Namjoon." he said winking at me. I winked back and answered for RM,

"Yeah, I'm one of a kind." 

He chuckled and nodded, "that you are."

'Last one Y/n, then you've officially met all of the Seven Deadly Sins.' 

"So, you must be Wrath, pleasure to make your acquaintance." I grinned. His annoyed expression didn't leave his features but it softened ever so slightly as he nodded politely. My grin grew to the point where it could be compared to a Cheshire's.

"By the way, If I can't get your real names could I at least get your alias?" Wrath eyed me suspiciously and let out a rude "no." A pout formed on my lips. 'fine then, I'll find out another way.'

"Tell me your real names," I ordered. I watched as their eyes glowed and they stood up straight.

"Kim Seokjin." Pride announced, eyes glowing violet.

"Kim Park Jimin." Envy's eyes glowing a bright green.

"Kim Jeon Jungkook." His eyes shone an electric yellow- the colour of greed.

"Kim Taehyung." His burgundy eyes were entrancing; lust, such a dangerously beautiful sin.

"Kim Jung Hoseok." Gluttony's bright orange eyes glinted.

"Kim Min Yoongi." A fiery red burnt bright in Wrath's eyes.

Namjoon shook his head but smiled a satisfied gleam in his eye.

"You won't tell them right?" 

He shrugged, "I couldn't care less."

I rolled my eyes, should've known he'd say that. Suddenly their eyes stopped glowing and they came back to their senses.


Yoongi's P. O. V

I watched, intrigued by this cocky girl. She wasn't afraid of us. Instead she seemed to view us as equals. I scoffed quietly. Please, we'd never be equals. She appeared in front of me. I scowled, I just wanna get out of here.

"So you must be Wrath. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." I nodded, at least she's polite. If she wasn't, I probably would've killed her on the spot.

"If I can't get your real name can I at least get your alias?" I glared,

"No."  I don't care how rude I said it, she shouldn't be meddling in matters that don't concern her. 

I could feel myself getting angry. I hate my name so f*cking much, it's just a reminder of who I am, what I do and this damn ring on my finger. Suddenly I felt my back straighten and my vision fade to black, 'what the f*ck is happening? ' I heard a voice,

"Kim Min Yoongi." That's my voice?! Who the f*ck? I felt myself get even angrier. What the hell did this b*tch do?! My vision came back and I heard the b*tch giggling which only flared my anger even more.

"What the hell are you laughing at?!" This cocky sh*t smirked.

"Just an inside joke Yoongi." 

Rage coursed through my veins and I saw red. Fire emanated from my being as I walked forward. Who does she think she is? Any more and I'll rip her heart out in the blink of an eye. I slowly stalked towards her, my fingers twitching in anticipation to kill.

"You better learn to control your temper." She said pointedly, her words dropping with vice.

"What did you say?!" 

She was indifferent to my anger. "What? Hard of hearing?" 

I surrounded her in flames, gritting my teeth I answered her smart-ass comeback.

"No, " I leaned closer and growled anomalistically.

"I just gave you a chance to change what you said," I whispered dangerously. She looked into my eyes and her glare softened. The challenging glint in her eyes morphed into something different- instead her eyes turned sad, almost disappointed.

"Hate and anger are just poisons... . And yet you continue to to consume them in hopes it will help you find the cure. Why?"

Her words struck me. In denial, my flames danced higher but my mask cracked and I was reminded of the day that made my life hell. The flames are my weapons but are also my leash. They chain me to the darkness I despise yet have grown to thrive in. 

I am Wrath. I have resentment and loathing rooted deep within my heart. I hate everything and everyone: my title, my name, my subjects, my kingdom, myself... But as much as I hate the darkness, I closed my eyes and turned away forever from the light. My goal is only to destroy my suffering and torment by any means necessary.

Her words hit me like a brick. They were true. I am and I know it's pointless. But after being hurt so many times, I've grown to like the pain and hate it all the same.

Y/n's P. O. V~

My eyes softened. I could see his pain clear as day.

"Stand down Ira." Immediately after I whispered those words, the flames disappeared and all that was left was a panting Yoongi. His head snapped up,

"What did you do to me?!" I shook my head and turned around to face the others.

"I would advise you all to take this peasant seriously," I said pointedly before walking towards Namjoon.

"We need to talk." He said, turning to walk out the room. I nodded, sparing a glance at the shocked boy on his knees and the equally shocked boys watching with wide eyes. I felt a twinge of pride, guess I just tamed the untameable.

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