Chapter 7: Do You?

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~Namjoon's P.O.V~

I watched as she dealt with Yoongi. At first I thought she was crazy, who in their right mind would challenge a sin?

Y/n. Y/n would. 

"Hate and anger are just poisons... and yet you consume them in hopes to find the cure? Why?" She said softly, almost disappointed. 

My eyes narrowed. I may be the sloth, lazy and careless; selfish. But I'm the least dangerous sin. In fact sloths are also associated with wisdom. What most don't know is that I am capable, I am pretty wisdomous (If you get this I love you) and intelligent. I'm a sin because I don't use it, I abuse it. 

I analysed the way she broke Yoongi down. How she read him, almost understood him at a glance. I was intrigued. Who exactly is she?

"stand down Ira." she said softly, caring. I saw her effect on Yoongi in just a few minutes. I saw the humanity in him come into the light- even though it was only for a split second- it was there. She may be able to find the lost causes in us. She may be exactly what we need to be able to feel. What if, just what if, she was the one to break this curse. Make me, make us, human again?

"I would advise you all to take this peasant seriously." she said pointedly, walking up to me. 

"We need to talk." I commanded, walking out the room.

She strode beside me. I glanced at her from the corner of my eye; she was so confident, so unpredictable.... so dangerous.

We arrived at my study and I opened the door carelessly, sitting down at my desk. I motioned a hand for her sit as well but she was busy admiring the room. I sighed, frustrated and lowly growled at her. She looked at me in surprise before sitting down, sensing I did not tell her to come just for some friendly conversation.

"What did we need to discuss?" She asked curiously.

My eyes narrowed and I leaned forward, not saying a word. 

This is a risky situation. I'm not supposed to care. But as heart-less I am, it's only because my heart was abused too much in the past. The reason I'm as cold as ice is because I was once soft as water.

I opened my eyes I didn't know I closed and took a deep breath.

What I'm about to propose could either save us all or project us further into the darkness. Chain and forever bind us to hatred forever. Or, it could bring us out of it and once again into the light.



~Y/n's P.O.V~

I nodded at Namjoon at the mention of my name. He'd looked so deep in thought; conflicted. Something I never thought to see.

"I'm going to ask you to do something that will be life threatening." I nodded again. I'm used to life-threatening situations.

"You, are going to take these rings, these seals of hatred, off of our fingers."


"What do you mean?" I asked, they're rings.. can't they just take them off by themselves?

He leaned back into his seat and looked at the ring on his gloved fingers and snarled.

"These rings aren't ordinary," he looked up at me, eyes burning a deep royal blue, "These are the Rings of Sin. They bind a sin for all eternity."

I blinked in confusion. What does this have to do with me then?!

"So how on earth am I supposed to take them off you guys?" 

He looked down again, almost hesitant before looking up at me.

"You'd have to..."

I was beginning to get annoyed. 

"What is it?!" 

"You'd have to make us feel."

..... what?

"You'd have to make us remember who we were. Before the ring, before we were Sins. You need to restore our humanity. The ring is stuck, latched onto us forever as long as we act like sins, as long as we're arrogant, selfish, greedy, gluttonous, hateful, sinful. As long as we act inhumane, as long as we don't feel like a human does, hurt like a human does, feel guilt like a human does or love like a human does, we will remain trapped within ourselves forever.  And as heartless as we may seem, we were once the opposite of what we are. We were once happy. Once brothers... I would do anything for that again. You're the only one that can help us. Don't question why, don't question how, but you are. I've already seen enough to know that you're the only human in this world of demons. The only hope for light before our eternal darkness...

do you accept?"


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