Chapter 12: First Burn

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Y/n's P. O. V~

I looked over at Pride and blinked, trying to think of something to get me out of this situation.

"I need your help," I blurted out, making Pride smirk.

"I'm not helping you, you can deal with Wrath on your own." He retorted with a sneer.

Laughing dryly I continued speaking, "yeah no, I'm not asking for help with that. I'm looking for a book," I said, hoping he'd catch on. He raised an eyebrow and glanced down at the book in my hands, a look of recognition and anger in his eyes. 

"Did you steal that? Sloth would never give that away. I knew you were trouble."

Calmly, I shook my head. "Namjoon gave it to me, and he told me I should start with the first book... and he told me that you have it. May... may I... borrow... it?"

Pride started laughing, "you actually think I believe a peasant like you?!" He snatched the book from my grasp and held it in his hands before tucking it under his arm. He looked at Wrath coldly, "hold onto her, will you? Let's go return this rat to Sloth... oh, and, if I ever hear you call Sloth 'Namjoon' again, I'll gladly help Wrath inflict immeasurable pain onto you."  

Yoongi scowled, but obeyed Pride begrudgingly and clutched my arm tightly.

'Wrath- or Yoongi... actually listens to Pride?' I thought, baffled.  Wrath didn't spare me a glance as he dragged me back towards Namjoon's study. 


~ Pride's P.O.V~

Who does she think she is? I scorned, looking at the book in my hands. How did she even get her hands on this? There's no way that Sloth just gave her the book. What a ridiculous thought.

'What a little rat... snooping around like a slimy rodent. A thief is a fitting job for someone like her'  I thought with a sneer.  

I strutted (I don't walk, I only  ✨strut ✨) down the hallway, growing increasingly more curious at how she got the book, and increasingly more frustrated by my idiotic curiosity. 

Arriving at the study doors, I thought about knocking but quickly scoffed at the thought. I am the Sin of Pride and the oldest one here. I don't need to ask for anyone else's permission to walk into a room. With a prideful smirk on my handsome face, I pushed the doors open. 

The scene I ended up walking into was nothing I could have ever prepared for. 


~ 3rd Person's POV

Pride's eyes widened at his jaw dropped. If there hadn't been enough surprises for one day, there was a few more in store for the man. 

Taehyung was howling with laughter on the floor, tears in his eyes and Namjoon was hunched over his desk, gasping for air inbetween loud chuckles with Jungkook making strange sounds as chopsticks stuck out of his nose and mouth.

Seokjin didn't know whether to be absolutely digusted or amazed. I think in the end, it was both. 

"What the fxxk happened here?" Y/n and Wrath asked in unison. However the tones were completely different. Y/n asked between fits of baffalled laughter and Yoongi looked like he was ready to commit homicide. 

The cackling trio seemed to finally realise they had guests and promptly tried to compose themselves. Jungkook spat the chopsticks out immidiately and Taehyung hurried to get up off of the floor. Although no longer chortling like madman, they couldn't manage to wipe the ridiculous grin off of their faces. 

"Hey hyungs," the two boys greeted cheerfully, a surpressed giggle evident in their voices. 

Pride didn't really have a clue on how to feel. 

"Hyung...?" He whispered questioningly. No one's called him that in years... his eyes subconsciously fell to their ring fingers, which laid bare. His heart beat faster and he took a step forward, quickly seizing the two maknae's hands. Examining them over and over, he found the same result. 

"Where are your rings?" His voice quivered, barely audibly despite his best efforts, and his head hung low.  

"Where are you rings?!" He asked again, this time glaring wildly at them. If the two boys knew any better, they'd say their hyung even looked desperate. 

"We took them off..." Taehyung spoke carefully, in case his words set off some sort of trigger. They did. But not for Seokjin. 

A loud yelp sounded from Y/n, making all eyes turn to her. Yoongi clutched her arm tightly, his eyes turning red as flames danced on his fingertips, the fire hissing painfully as it touched Y/n's skin.  Yoongi's grip got tighter, and his flames got hotter with all their attention on him. Taehyung and Jungkook gasped and quickly tried to rush to her.

"Hyung please stop, you're hurting her!" Jungkook pleaded. But his pleas fell on deaf ears and Yoongi gave no answer. 

Her yelps slowly began to get louder, more strangled, more agonious every second that went by.

"Yoongi please be rational," Namjoon began, his usually calm voice tinged with panic, "let her go."

Eyes wild with fury, he stared at Jungkook and Taehyung, who were looking at him with terrifed stares and for a moment he felt his heart ache. They looked at him like he was some sort of monster... Then he looked at Y/n, who writhed in his painfull grasp, thrashing around, desperately trying to break free. She bit back screams and coughs, her lungs exhausted from the smoke more than anything. Looking across the room she silently pleaded them to help, someone, anyone- she was going to die, she thought. Burned to death like a flame-grilled chicken tender. 

"Oh for the love of- let go of her. Now." An authorative voice rang out coldly. Yoongi's flames momentarily cooled from blue to orange again, genuinely surprised by the comment. Seokjin glared at Yoongi and made his way to him. Now this, this threw Yoongi off his groove and seeing Pride- no, his older brother, walk towards him with such rage and authority made him loosen his grip on Y/n. That was more than enough for her to use her remaining strength to wrench her charred arm free, collasping into the arms of Namjoon, who caught her. 

Taehyung and Jungkook stood frozen in shock of what just occured until Namjoon looked up at them with urgency. 

"Jungkook! Fetch the closest doctor or nurse- find someone, anyone who practices first aid and get them here as fast as you can! And bring painkillers!" 

Jungkook nodded, and sped off to do as he was asked. Namjoon turned to Taehyung,

"She's got fourth degree burns and passed out most likely due to the pain."

He took his jacket off and placed it over her body, "she's cold because of the loss of blood pressure," he muttered to himself, rolling up his sleeves, "Taehyung I need you to lift her arm above her heart okay?" 

Taehyung nodded and gently lifted her arm up, watching silently as Namjoon tore off a piece of cloth and put it over the burn. 

"How come we aren't running it under water?" Taehyung asked quietly. 

"You don't use water on 4th degree burns, they do more damage than help," Namjoon responded absent-mindedly, grabbing a bottle of water and gently pouring a caps-full of the liquid into her mouth. Taehyung looked at him quizzically. 

"So she doesn't get too dehydrated. We don't have an intravenus here so this is the best I could do." 

Silence filled the room. Only the faint sizzling from Wrath's dying embers and the 'tick-tock' of a grandfather clock in the study could be heard. 

Seokjin sat down on Namjoon's desk chair, watching them soundlessly, clutching the book he'd entered because of in his hand. Perhaps now wasn't the best time to ask about it.

Yoonji stood where he was before. Shocked, horrified. 

"I'm a monster," he whispered. But in that silent room, everyone heard it loud and clear. 

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