Chapter 8: Who are you really?

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~ Lust's P.O.V~

I watched with wide eyes as Y/n walked confidently out of the room, she just defused Yoongi-hyung.

She tamed his fire. I thought that was impossible. I glanced at the door and left as the others still watched Yoongi-hyung panting on the floor. Walking the huge halls, I stopped abruptly, eyes wide.

"I saw Yoongi-hyung."

I whispered in realisation. My heart stopped. I always refer to them as their sins. I said Yoongi-hyung, just like I did years ago. I felt hot tears well up in my eyes as I leaned against the wall. Y/n... she talked to Yoongi-hyung, not Wrath. Not a monster, not a rage of fire, not a hateful inferno, she talked to my hyung. I grasped my shirt just above my heart and my breathing became uneven with a hope I thought I'd lost. My eye's flashed burgundy with excitement, hope. I grinned genuinely for the first time in years. I let my eyes wander around the hallway and looked for Namjoon-hyung's study. Spotting it, I tip-toed to it. Hearing voices I stopped and listened intently.

"We were once happy. Once brothers... I would do anything for that again. You're the only one that can help us. Don't question why, don't question how, but you are. I've already seen enough to know that you're the only human in this world of demons. The only hope for light before our eternal darkness...

do you accept?"


My heart leaped with joy. Does this mean I might see my brothers again? Could everything finally go back to the way it used to be? A wide grin spread across my face and I was about to cheer when I heard my name. 

"Taehyung-ah, come here." Oh no. I've been caught by Namjoon-hyung. I gulped and knocked on the door before slowly opening it. Namjoon-hyung was glaring at me. I laughed nervously.

"H-hi Namjoon-hyung." I stuttered. His glare turned into shock and I just realised what I said. 

"U-uh, I mean, Sloth-nim." I winced at my pathetic attempt. I was done for.

"Did you call me... hyung?" Looking up I was surprised to see him calm. Not careless... instead he seemed almost hurt. Not knowing what to do, I nodded. He blinked looking down at his desk.

Then, he stood up and walked towards me. I was confused. What's he going to do to me? Slowly he grabbed my hand and looked at my ring. It looked dull and rusty, like it hadn't been on my finger for years. I was shocked myself, it usually glowed a deep burgundy. A small smile crossed his face for a split second before he dropped my hand, his face unreadable once again. I searched his eyes for an answer when suddenly they turned a royal blue. What? 

"Taehyung-ah. You were always the softest of us all. I knew if any of us were to become good again, you'd be one of the first. We all got so hurt, and instead of holding onto hatred you drowned in sadness. I'm sorry I didn't stop you from going to others to feel satisfied. I'm sorry I failed as a brother. I'm so sorry Taehyung-ah. Why didn't we just hug you? Cuddle you? Be with you? Maybe if we did you wouldn't of become lust. I'm sorry Taehyung-ah."

His words hit me like a tsunami and I couldn't hold back the tears in my eyes. Namjoon-hyung Suddenly embraced me in a hug. I was stunned for a few seconds before I hugged him like my life depended on it. I couldn't muffle my sobs as I held him tight.

"Don't s-say s-sorry h-h-hyung! I, I knew that y-you guys w-ere fighting w-ars of y-your own! I d-didn't w-w-want t-to be a b-bigger burden than I already was." I stuttered and babbled, tripping over my words.  He held me tighter and we stayed like that for a few minutes before we eventually had to release each other. 

Namjoon-hyung looked at me, this time with glassy,dark brown eyes. Gently, he took my hand again and looked at my ring.

Feeling a flare of confidence and anger, I took my own hand and looked at the cursed ring. I took a deep breath and smiled determinedly up at Namjoon-hyung who was watching with curious eyes. I exhaled and closed my eyes. 

Then I took the ring off of my finger.

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