Episode 1

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I think I'm Gonna Like It Here

Sam: It's just we got a major freakin' crap fest on our hands. Yeah, tell me about it. Thousands of superpowered dicks touching down, and we got no idea where to start.

Dean: Cas, are you there? Sammy's hurt. He's hurt, uh, he's hurt pretty bad. And, um... I know you think that I'm pissed at you, okay? But I don't care that the angels fell. So whatever you did or didn't do, it doesn't matter, okay? We'll work it out. Please, man, I need you here... Screw it. Okay, listen up. This one goes out to any angel with their ears on. This is Dean Winchester... and I need your help.

Truck Driver: No signal up here. How about a lift, hmm?

Castiel: Yes. Good. I would fly, but I- I have no wings, not anymore.

Kim: I'm afraid, as hard as this may be, this might be a good time to talk... about the inevitable.

Dean: Look, I'm sure you're a nice person and that you mean well, but 'inevitable', that's a fighting word where I come from. There's always a way.

Kim: And I am a prayerful woman who believes in miracles as much as the next, but I also know how to read an EEG. And unless you're telling me you have a direct line to those angels that you were looking for-

Dean: Yeah, no, I, uh... Guess I don't. But I might have something better. I got the King of Hell in my trunk.

Kim: Uh, is- is that... I'm sorry. Is that a metaphor?

Sam: I want to fight. I do. But I just feel like...

Bobby: Like you got nothing to swing at? Like you're punching at shadows? You got to let go of fighting and scratching and looking for loopholes, 'cause that ain't happening.

Sam: So- so, what? I- I- I- just die?

Bobby: Just die? All the good you've done, all the people you've saved, all the sacrifices you've made? You've saved the world, son. How many people can say that? How many people can say that they have left this god-for-saken hunk of dirt that much a better place? What you call dyin' I call leaving a legacy.

Castiel: You tell me. If you could do anything, what would it be?

Hael: There's a place. I built it when I was there, many years ago. A grand canyon.

Castiel: The Grand Canyon?

Hael: I- I would like to see that.

Castiel: Let's go see the Grand Canyon, then.

Dean: Anybody ever tell you, you hit like an angel?

Bobby: Everything inside you need to help you on your way. Go on, son. I'll be waiting for you with a couple of cold ones.

Death: Well I must admit, when I heard it was you, well I had to come myself.

Sam: I bet you get off on this.

Death: Perhaps, but not in the way you assume. I consider it to be quite the honor to be collecting the likes of Sam Winchester. I try so hard not to pass judgement at times like this, not my bag you see, but you? Well played my boy.

Dean: Sam listen to me. I made you a promise, in that church. You and me. Come whatever. Well, hell, if this ain't whatever. But you gotta let me in man. You gotta let me help. There ain't no me if there ain't no you!

Sam: What do I do?

Dean: Is that a yes?

Sam: Yes.

Sam: What the hell happened?

Dean: What do you remember?

Sam: The church, feeling like crap, the angels falling, and that's it.

Dean: But you're feeling good?

Sam: Yeah. I mean, I just, um... You've been driving around with me passed out in the passenger's seat for a day?

Dean: Oh, I mean, I stopped, you know, let a few Japanese tourists take some pictures. Nobody got too handsy. I knew you'd pull through. I meant what I said at the church. You're capable of anything, Sam, and hell if you didn't prove me right.

Sam: Good. 'Cause we got work to do.

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