Episode 14

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Sam: So...

Dean: Yup, Bunker's haunted.  

Dean: Kevin? Kevin. All right, I can't do this. Coffee-buzzing, bump-in-the-night crap. I got serious things to say to you, okay? And I'm not gonna say them to this. Kevin, I'm sorry. You did not choose this life. You busted your ass, you lost everything, everyone you've loved... And your reward? Getting killed... On my watch. If I... It was on me. It was my fault, and... And there's nothing I can do to make that right. I am so sorry.  

Kevin: No, this is not happening. Didn't spend months struggling to break through the veil just to get stuck listening to Dean Winchester having a self-pity session. Didn't hear enough of those when I was alive.  

Dean: Wait, wait, wait. Why aren't you in- in Heaven? I mean, if anybody deserves an express pass to paradise-

Kevin: I couldn't. I can't. No one can. Heaven's closed for business. Everyone who's died since the angels fell are just stuck inside the Veil, waiting. And it's bad in here. Like DMV-line-times-infinity bad.  

Sam: You feel that? I think I felt a chill.

Dean: Yeah, that's 'cause it's cold.  

Bartholomew: Realizing they were more trouble than they were worth, we purged our human allies, then commandeered Boyle Ministries, Inc. For our own use.

Castiel: Buddy Boyle. So, you killed him.

Bartholomew: No. We made him and his colleagues vessels. At least those who didn't go 'pop.'  

Dean: So, you're the one. You're the one who Crowley left in charge.

Del: Yeah. What a privilege. Feeding the apes, hosing the floors, washing out the honey buckets, and for zero credit. The boss, MIA. Too important to show for work, to even return my calls. And you know the worst part? I wasn't even allowed to kill anyone. I was told to protect them. I mean, how sick is that? Am I not a young, vital demon with basic demon needs and rights? And when I call Crowley to inform him that I've single-handedly caught the Winchesters, if he even answers my call, think I'll get a thank you? Ha!  

Del: Do it. Kill me.

Sam: No, we're saving you for someone else.

Del: Crowley.

Sam: Much worse.

Dean: Do the honors, Mrs. Tran?

Linda: With pleasure.

Del: Hey, lady. I swear. I was just following ord-

Linda: Take me to my son.  

Castiel: Sorry I created this chaos. Sorry I couldn't do more to fix it. You may have lost the war, Rebecca, but you tried a new way. You have my respect for that.  

Kevin: Sam. I know that wasn't you. Go put a blade in that asshat who possessed you and we'll call it square. Guys. Thank you.

Dean: You can thank us when we get you to heaven where you belong. Okay, until then, enjoy your time with your mom. The, uh, uninterrupted, 24/7, no-escape quality time.

Kevin: Dick. Hey, before I go... Will you guys promise me something?

Dean: Yeah.

Sam: Anything.

Kevin: Can you two... Get over it? Dudes, just 'cause you couldn't see me doesn't mean I couldn't see you. The drama, the fighting... It's stupid. My mom's taking home a ghost. You two... You're both still here.  

Dean: Crowley, this is Dean. Call me when you get this.

Sam: Really Dean?

Dean: What?

Sam: That's your third unanswered voice mail. Did you ever think maybe he's not that into you?

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