Episode 17

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Mother's Little Helper

Sam: What's up with you?

Dean: Nothing.

Sam: Yeah? See, because ever since you killed Magnus, you've been acting... sort of... obsessed.

Dean: Well, maybe because I want an end to all this. Maybe because if we find Abaddon, then Crowley ponies up the First Blade, and we kill her and him both. So, what you call being "obsessed," I call doing my job.  

Crowley: You're lying to Sam like he's your wife. Which kinda makes me your mistress.  

Julia: I'm an ex-nun sweetie. Complicated is my middle name.  

Dean: Demons don't take leaks, next time you want to shoot up why don't you find a better excuse.  

Abaddon: You hunters are always sticking your noses in where they don't belong.

Josie: Hunters? Please.

Abaddon: Then what are you? Quickly, dear, before this one pays for your stubbornness!

Josie: We are preceptors... Beholders, chroniclers of all that which man does not understand.

Abaddon: A woman amongst the Men of Letters?

Josie: Yes.

Abaddon: Well, ain't that a blast.  

Abaddon: I'm trading up from this bag of bones to Mr. Dreamy here. Then I can study your kind real close.  

Sam: You know, um, can I ask you something?

Julia: If it's for a date, sorry. I never see anyone under 65. Too much drama.  

Julia: I had betrayed our flock, God, myself. It was and still is my greatest shame.

Sam: Well, what you shared with me saved lives, and I couldn't have done that with out you. Take care

Julia: You too Sam.  

Henry: This... our work... it's a noble calling, isn't it? I mean, yes, there's risk, but, gosh. I feel the fool for doubting it for even a second.  

Sam: You were right.

Dean: About what?

Sam: Finding Abaddon ASAP. She's mining souls.

Dean: Why?

Sam: To create an army.  

Crowley: I know that Cain gave you his Mark for a reason, and I know that rather than embracing it, rather than looking at it as the gift that it is, you're sulking like you lost you Knuffle Bunny. Why are you fighting what you really are?  

Crowley: Well, I was going to, but then after very little soul-searching, I decided to embrace my addiction. What about you? Takes a junkie to know a junkie. You just want to touch that precious again, don't you?  

Crowley: Of course he saved me. We're besties... and now he's ready.  

Crowley: Actually, long as I'm here, last time we chitchatted we agreed you were going to line up Carrot Top.  

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