Episode 6

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Heaven Can't Wait

Dean: Have you tried Professor Morrison?

Sam: Yeah, he's unreachable. He took a sabbatical to live amongst the Trobrianders of Papua New Guinea. Needless to say, we're pretty burnt.

Dean: Well, there's one guy there who is nothing if not well-rested.

Sam: Crowley?

Dean: I'm just saying, we're not keeping him chained up for the one-liners.

Castiel: My grace is gone. What did you expect? Do you have any idea how hard it was? When I fell to earth, I didn't just lose my powers. I- I had nothing. Now I'm a sales associate.

Dean: Wow. So you went from fighting heavenly battles to nuking taquitos.

Castiel: Nachos, too.

Sam: Can you read Elamite or not?

Crowley: It's by no means my favorite of the ancient tongues, but yes.

Sam: Back to plan 'B,' I guess.

Crowley: Which is?

Sam: Give you up to Abaddon.

Crowley: You think you can threaten me with that hack?! She's all fury, no finesse.

Sam: I'm not so sure. Our last encounter with Abaddon, she was, uh, she was pretty terrifying. Scarier than you've been in years.

Dean: This is not you, man. You are above this. Come on.

Castiel: No, Dean. I'm not. I failed at being an angel. Everything I ever attempted came out wrong. But here... at least I have a shot at getting things right. I guess you can't see it, but... there's a real dignity in what I do, human dignity.

Nora: I hate to interrupt you guys, but a customer just had an accident in the men's room.

Dean: That's what this is about!

Castiel: What?

Dean: The girl.

Castiel: No, Dean, it's not. Nora, she's a very nice woman. I'm pretty sure she's not a reaper intent on killing me, and she's asked me out. Going on dates, that's something humans do, right?

Dean: Yeah. I mean, my dates usually end when I run out of singles, but, uh, yeah. Yeah, that's something that humans do.

Castiel: Right. I don't know. The Rit Zien home in on pain, it's like a beacon to them. So, when this angel fell to earth, he heard the victims' cries, and their anguish, same as he'd hear an angel's in Heaven. He's continuing his Heavenly work down here. One suffering human at a time.

Kevin: Seriously? You want to let Crowley communicate with Abaddon? A king and a power-mad Knight of Hell isn't enough for you? You want to throw a demonic team-up into the mix?

Dean: Listen, Cas... back at the Bunker, I, uh... sorry I told you to go. I know it's been hard on you, you know, on your own. Well, you're adapting. I'm proud of you.

Castiel: Thank you, Dean. But there's something Ephraim said. The angels, they need help. Can I really sit this out? Shouldn't I be searching for a way to get them home?

Dean: Me and Sam will take care of the angels. You're human now. It's not your problem anymore.

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