Episode 13

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The Purge

Sam: You sure you're okay, Dean?

Dean: Why wouldn't I be?

Sam: 'Cause – I don't know you... This isn't about what I said the other day, is it?

Dean: Oh, about how we're not supposed to be brothers? No, don't flatter yourself. I don't break that easy.

Sam: Good, 'cause I was just being honest.

Dean: Oh, yeah. No, I got that loud and clear.  

Jim Morgan: When I gear up for a competition I eat lettuce. It stretches the stomach.

Dean: Yet another reason to stay away from salads.  

Dean: I don't mean to be rude, uh... But how is it that Wayne McNut is your type? I mean, you're married to a man who's barely a buck – wet.

Mala: What can I say? Sometimes it's nice to feel a little give...

Dean: Oh. Yeah, I get that, a little extra cushion for the, uh...  

Dean: So... 180. Known fact – all women lie about their weight and age.

Sam: Wait, you told that waitress the other day you were 29.  

Dean: Nice shorts.

Sam: Nice hairnet.

Dean: Yeah, why do I got to be the lunch lady?  

Sheriff Donna: Well, to tell you the truth, Agent, I don't really give a flyin' fudge. My husband, Doug, left me last year 'cause he said I loved cookie-dough milkshakes more than him.

Sam: Sorry to hear that.

Dean: Yeah, Doug's a dick. You deserve better.  

Maritza: This isn't what you think. I'm not a killer.

Dean: Well, then what are you?

Maritza: I'm a pishtaco.

Dean: A fish taco?  

Alonso: You and stupido have no chance. The fat makes us stronger.

Sam: Your sister didn't mention that when she ratted you out.

Alonso: You're lying!

Sam: I guess after you killed her husband... you were too monstrous, even for her.  

Dean: You said that you wanted to keep things strictly business. Well, last I checked, we were in the business of killing monsters.

Sam: I wanted to keep things strictly business between us. But I still have a heart. What if I had crossed paths with a hunter back when I was possessed by Gadreel? I could've ended up dead, too. Would I have deserved that? Would I have deserved to die?  

Dean: About what you said the other day.

Sam: I thought it didn't bother you.

Dean: You know Sam, I saved your hide back there. I saved your hide at that church, in the hospital. I may not think things all the way through but when I do, it's because it's the right thing. I'd do it again.

Sam: And that is the problem. You think you're my savior, my brother, the hero. You swoop in and even when you mess up you think what you're doing is worth it because you've convinced yourself you're doing more good than bad... but you're not. Kevin's dead, Crowley's in the wind, we're no closer to beating this angel thing, please tell me, what is the upside to me being alive?

Dean: Are you kidding me? You and me, fighting the good fight together.

Sam: Just once be honest with me, you didn't save me for me. You did it for you.

Dean: What are you talking about?

Sam: I was ready to die, I was ready. I should have died. But you, you didn't want to be alone. That's what this boils down to, you can't stand the thought of being alone. I'll give you this much, you are certainly willing to do the sacrifice, as long as you're not the one being hurt.

Dean: Alright, you want to be honest, if the situation was reversed, and I was dying, you'd do the same thing.

Sam: No Dean, I wouldn't. Same circumstances, I wouldn't. I'm heading to bed.  

Sam: You go to bed last night?

Dean: What? Uh, no. No, "Rudy" was on, and then, uh... "Unforgiven," and then I was too jacked to sleep. So...research.

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